Chicago & North Western

Motive Power

 Roster photo of CNW F-unit #411in standard CN yellow and green attire.
Revised: 27 May 2018 Photograph by: R. Craig
AAR Mark: CNW Data Assembled By: R. Craig

* * * CAB UNITS * * *

Bldr Model Road Number Date Bldr No. Notes
EMD F3A 101C, 104A & 106A 10/1947 4118, 4123, 4126 Nee CGW same nos.; #101 and 104A re-#d to 201(2nd) and 202
EMD F5A 113A,C-115A,C 2/1949 5989-5994 Units (except 114C) re-#d to 212-216; nee CGW 113A,C-115A,C
EMD F3B 101B-106B 10/1947 4129-4134 Re-#d 301(3rd), 303(2nd), 305-307, and Radio Control Car X262401;nee CGW 101B-106B
107B-110B & 112B 3/1948 5016-19, 5021 #107B, 109B & 110B re-#d to 308, 311(2nd) & 313(2nd), #108B reblt to slug BU-30, #112B sold; nee CGW 107B-110B & 112B
113B-115B 10,12,12/50 13546, 13563-64 Re-#d to 316(2nd), 318(2nd) & 319(2nd),; nee CGW 113B-115B
(111B) 2/1949 5020 Sold by CGW prior to CNW merger
EMD F5B 101D-103D 2/1949 5234-5236 #103D was sold; 101D-102D re-#d 302(2nd), 304; nee CGW 101D-103D
(104D) 2/1949 5237 Sold by CGW prior to CNW merger
EMD F3B 105D-111D 10/1949 7912-5, 7905-6, 7911 #105D sold, #106D relbt to slug BU31, #107D-9D, & 111D re-#d to 309, 310(2nd), 312(2nd), 314(2nd), #110D disposition unknown; nee CGW 105D-111D
112D-114D 10,10/50; 5/51 13543-13545 #112D-113D re-#d to 315(2nd) and 317(2nd), 114D sold; nee CGW 112D-114D
115D 5/1951 14723 Sold; nee CGW 115D
EMD FP7 116A, 116C 12/1950 13559-13560 Re-#d to 217-218; nee CGW 116A & 116C
116B, D; E, F, G116C 12/50; 5/51 13561-62; 14724-26 #116B, 116D re-#d to 320(2nd)-321(2nd), #116E sold, 116F, and 116G re-#d to 322-323; nee CGW 116B,D,E,F & G
201(3rd) & 202 F3A EMD 10/1947 4118, 4123 Ex-CGW 101C and 104A; nee CGW 101C & 104A
203(2nd), 204-205 F3A EMD 3/1948 5005-5007 Ex-CNW 107C, 108A, & 108C; nee CGW 107C, 108A, & 108C
206 (2nd)-207(2nd), 208-209 F3A EMD 3/1948 5009-5012 Ex-CNW 109C, 110A, 110C & 111A; nee CGW 109C, 110A, 110C & 111A
210 (2nd)-211(2nd) F3A EMD 3/1948 5014-5015 Ex-CNW 112A & 112C;nNee CGW 112A & 112C
212-214 (2nd) F5A EMD 2/1949 5989-5991 Ex-CNW 113A, 113C & 114A; nee CGW 113A, 113C & 114A
215(2nd)-216 F5A EMD 2/1949 5993-5994 Ex-CNW 115A & 115C; nee CGW 115A & 115C
217-218(2nd) F7B EMD 12/1950 13559-13560 Ex-CNW 116A, 116C; nee CGW 116A & 116C
219(2nd)-220 F7A EMD 10/50, 4/50 8557, 10570 Ex-CNW 4076C and 4091A
221(2nd)-23(2nd) & 224 FP9M EMD 7, 10, 10, 11/55 3115-3118 Reblt from FTA 5401A-5404A
225(2nd)-226(2nd) F5A EMD 11/48, 1/49 5995, 5997 Ex-4101A(2nd) and 4101C(2nd); nee CGW 150 and 152
227(2nd)-229(2nd) F5A EMD 6/1949 7058, 7060-61 Ex-4102A(2nd), 4102(2nd) and 4103A(2nd); nee CGW 153, 155 and 156
230(2nd) F7A EMD 6/1949 7382 Ex-MKT 73C, nee 210C
231(2nd) FP7 EMD 1/1952 14805 Ex-MKT 78A, nee 121A
232(2nd)-233(2nd) F3A EMD 6/1947 14805 Ex-MKT 68C and 65A, nee 205C and 202A
234-236 F3A EMD 3/1949 5518-5520 Ex-FEC 503-505
237 F7A EMD 6/1949 7389 Ex-MKT 75A, nee 226A
238-239 F3A EMD 1/1949 5521-5522 Ex-FEC 507-508
240-244 FP7 EMD 12/1951 15568-15572 Ex-FEC 571-575
245 F7A EMD 6/1949 7379 Ex-MKT 72A, nee 209A
246 FP7 EMD 2/1952 7379 Ex-MKT 79A, nee 122A
247 F7A EMD 6/1949 7396 Ex-MKT 77C, nee 229C
248-250 F3A EMD 6/1947 4028, 4032, 4027 Ex-MKT 67A, 64C & 66A, nee 204A, 201C & 203A
251 F7A EMD 6/1949 7391 Ex-MKT 76A, nee 227A
252 F3A EMD 6/1947 4025 Ex-MKT 64A, nee 201A
253 F7A EMD 6/1949 7384 Ex-MKT 74C, nee 211C
254 F7A EMD 9/1951 12803 Ex-SP 6390
255 F7A EMD 6/1949 7394 Ex-MKT 70C, nee 228C
256-257 F3A EMD 6/1947 4030 & 4033 Ex-MKT 69A & 65C, nee 206A & 202C
258 FP7 EMD 6/1952 14808 Ex-MKT 79C, nee 122C
259 F7A EMD 6/1949 7392 Ex-MKT 76C, nee 227C
260-263 F7A EMD 3/49; 4,5/50; 3/49 6605, 10574, 10589, 6606 Ex-4070C, 4093A, 4100C, 4071A
266-272 F7A EMD 11-12/1949 8561-2, 8565, 8572, 8574, 8577 Ex-4078C, 4079A, 4080C, 4084A-85A, and 4085C-86C
301(3rd) F3B EMD 10/1947 4129 Ex-101B; nee CGW 101B
302(2nd), 304 F5B EMD 2/1949 5234-5235 Ex-101D-102D; nee CGW 101D-102D
303, 305-307 F3B EMD 10/1947 4130, 4132-4134 Ex-102B-103B and 105B-106B; nee CGW 102B-103B and 105B-106B
308-309 F3B EMD 3/48, 10/49 5016 & 7914 Ex-107B and 107D; nee CGW 107B and 107D
310(2nd) F3B EMD 10/1949 7915 Ex-108D; nee CGW 108D
311(2nd)-312(2nd) F3B EMD 3/48, 10/49 5018, 7905 Ex-109B and 109D; nee CGW 109B and 109D
313(2nd)-314(2nd) F3B EMD 3/1948 5019, 7911 Ex-110B and 111D; nee CGW 110B and 111D
315(2nd) F3B EMD 10/1950 13543 Ex-112D; nee CGW 112D
316(2nd) and 317(2nd) F3B EMD 10/1950 13546, 13544 Ex-113B and 113D; nee CGW 113B-113D
318(2nd) & 319(2nd) F3B EMD 12,12/50 13563-64 Ex-114B-115B; nee CGW 114B-115B
320(2nd)-21(2nd) and 322-323 F7B EMD 12/50; 5/51 13561-62; 14724-26 Ex-116B & 116D, 116F & 116G; nee CGW 116B, 116D, 116F & 116G
400(2nd) & 400(3nd) F7A EMD 10/49, 4/50 8573, 10588 Ex-415, nee 4084C; ex-425, nee 4100A
401(4th)-403(4th) F7A EMD 12/49; 10/49 10150; 8554, 8563 Ex-419, 421, 422; nee 4087A, 4075A, 4079C
406-7, 408(2nd)-9(2nd) F7A EMD 11/49 8255-8258 Ex-M&StL 406-409, nee 150A,C and 250A,C
410-411 F7A EMD 11/49 9225-9226 Ex-M&StL 410-411, nee 350A,C
410(4th) & 411(3rd) F7B EMD 10,12/50 13544, 13563 Ex-CGW 317 & 318, nee 113D & 114B
412-413 F7A EMD 12/50 12027-12028 Ex-M&StL 412-413, nee 151A,C
412(2nd)-413(2nd) F7A EMD 3,12/49 6603,8570 Nee 4069C, 4083A
414 F7A EMD 12/49 8571 Nee 4083C
415 F7A EMD 12/49 8573 Re-#d to 400(2nd), nee 4084C (1st or 2nd -- see Note A
416-418 F7A EMD 10,7,7/49 8558, 8551, 8550 Nee 4077A, 4073C, 4073A
419-422 F7A EMD 12, 12/49; 10/49 10150-51; 8554, 8563 Ex-401(4th)-403(4th); nee 4087A, 4087C, 4075A, 4079C
423-425 F7A EMD 10, 10/49; 10/50 8563, 8552; 10588 #423-424 are ex-4076A, 4074A; #425 re-#d to 400(3rd), nee 4100A
501-502 E9B EMD 12/62 27696, 28671 Received a "Crandall cab", ex-UP 910B and 913B
503-504 E8B/A EMD 3,2/53 ?, 17795 Ex-UP 925B and 935B
505-506 E9B/A EMD 5/55 20500, 20502 Received a "Crandall cab", ex-UP 960B and 952B
507-510 E8A EMD 6/50;3-4/53 27696, 28671 ex-UP 927; 934, 940, & 942
511 E9A EMD 4/53 27696, 28671 Ex-UP #949; returned to active duty on UP as Heritage unit on passenger specials
512-514 E8A EMD 6/53; 7/51 18116-17; 14660 Ex-5027B, 5028A, 5023B
515-518 E8A EMD 6/53; 7/51, 6/53 18120, 18119; 14661, 18121 Ex-5029B, 5029A, 5024A, 5030A
519-522 E8A EMD 7/50 11493, 11494; 14659, 11492 Ex-5022A, 5022B; 5023A, 5021B; unit 521 was built 7/1951
EMD F3A 4051A-4054A 5/45 3115-3118 Nee 5401A,D-5402A,D; reblt to 4000 series F9A
EMD F3A 4051B-4054B 5/45 3119-3122 Nee 5401B,C-5402B,C; reblt to 4000 series F9B
EMD F3A 4051C-4054C, 4055A,C 1/47 3965-3970 -
4056A,C-4064A,C 2/47 4461-2, 4288-4301, 4463-4 -
4065A,C-4066A,C 2/47 4302-03, 5391-92 -
4067A,C-4071A,C 3/49 6598-6607 -
EMD F3A 4055B 6/47 3971 -
4056B-4066B 12/47 5394, 4304-4311, 5393 -
EMD F7A 4072A,C-4083A,C 7-12/49 8548-8571 -
4084A 12/49 8572 -
4084C 12/49 8573 Heavily damaged in Rhinelander, WI wreck on 4 July 1951 (see Note A)
4085A,C-4087A,C 12/49 8574-8577, 10150-51 -
4088A,C-4102A,C 4/1950 10564-10593 -
Many units in this group re-#d into 200 freight series or 400s for passenger service, several units scrapped prior to re-#ing
EMD F7B 4067B-4071B 3/49 6608-6612 -
4072B-4084B 7,10/49 8585-90, 10025-30 -
4091B-4094B 7/52 16820-16823 -
EMD F5A 4101A(2nd) and 4101C(2nd) 11/48, 1/49 5995, 5997 Ex-225(2nd)-226(2nd); nee CGW 150 and 152
4102A(2nd), 4102C(2nd) and 4103A(2nd) 6/1949 7058, 7060-61 Ex-227(2nd)-229(2nd); nee CGW 153, 155 and 156
Alco FA-2 4103A 11/1950 78272 Blt as part of Alco FA-2 Demonstrator 1603A
4104A 11/1950 78273 Ex-Alco FA-2 Demonstrator 1603D
Alco FB-2 4103B 11/1950 78281 Ex-Alco FB-2 Demonstrator 1603B
4104B 11/1950 78282 Ex-Alco FB-2 Demonstrator 1603C
BLW DR 62-1000 5000A 11/48 73464 Two three-axle trucks , only one powered
EMD E3A 5001A, B-5002A,B 4-6/39 930-933 Re-#d to 522
EMD E2A 5003A 10/37 741 Ex-UP/CNW 984J, exx-UP/CNW 921A, nee UP/CNW LA-1
EMD E6A/E7A 5004A /41 1175 E6A
5004B 8/46 3506 E7A; ex-UP/CNW 988J, nee UP/CNW 927
5005A, B-5006A,B 8/41 1349-52 E6A
Alco DL109 5007A 8/41 69436 -
EMD E7A 5007B 4/45 1966 -
5008A,B-5009A,B 5/46 3112-3114, 3355 -
5010A,B-5011A,B 3/47 3972-3975 -
5012A,B-16A,B, 5017A 9/47 4273-4283 -
EMD E8A 5017B, 5018A,B-19A,B, & 5020A 3/49 6592-6597 -
5021A,B-5022A,B 7/50 11491-94 5021B, 5022A, & 5022B re-#d to 522, 519 & 520
5023A-5024A,B 7/51 14659-62 5023A, 5023B & 5024A re-#d to 521, 514 and 517
5025A,B 8/52 16901, 17032 Re-#d to 517
5026A,B-30A,B & 5031A 6/53 18113-23 5026A,B were built 5/53; 5027B, 5028A, 5029A, 5029B, & 5030A re-#d to 512-513, 516, 515 & 518
5031B, 5032A;B & 5033A 1,6/52; 2/52 1034, 25355, 14737, 14739 Ex-KCS 23, 25, 27 & 29
EMD FTA 5401A,D-5402A,D 5/1945 3115-3118 Reblt as FP9M 221(2nd)-223(2nd) & 224
EMD FTB 5401B,C-5402B,C 5/1945 3119-3122 Re-#d to 4051B-54B
EMD F7A 6500A,C-6502A,C 12/49 8578-83 Nee CStPMO 6500A,C-6502A,C
6503A,C-6505A,C 4/50 10558-63 Nee CStPMO 6503A,C-6505A,C

* * * ROAD POWER * * *

Road Number Model Bldr & Date Bldr No. Notes
50 - 52 RS2 Alco - 5/1949 76821-23 Nee CGW 50-52
53 - 57 RS2 Alco - 8/1949 77185-89 Nee CGW 53-57
120-121 GP7 EMD - 9/1951 14719-20 Wrecked and relbt to GP7R & re-d to 4337-38; nee CGW 120-121
151-156 GP7 EMD 8/1951 14667-72 Reblt to GP7R 4473-72, 4475-74, 4471-70; ex-CStPMO 151-56; #151 blt 7/1951
157-159 GP7 EMD 6/1952 16891-93 Reblt to GP7R 4469-68, & 4466; ex-CStPMO 157-59
160-161 GP7 EMD 8/1952 16894-95 #161 reblt to GP7R 4467; ex-CStPMO 161
162-164 RS3 Alco 8/1952 80137-39 Ex-CStPMO 162-164; #163 blt 7/1952
165-167 RS3 Alco 7/1953 80519-21 Ex-CStPMO 165-167; #167 equipped with S/G in high, short hood
168-172 H16-66 FM 7/1953 16L704-08 Ex-CStPMO 168-172
203 RS-1 Alco 10/1944 73093 Re-#d to 1081(2nd); ex-MStL 203, nee MStL 1044
206-207 RS-1 Alco 6,10/1945 73759, 74317 Ex-MStL 206-07, nee MStL 745, 845
210-212 RS-1 Alco 12/45, 6,6/46 74822, 74824, 74909 Ex-MStL 210-212, nee MStL 246, 346, 446
214-215 RS-1 Alco 6/1946 75114-15 Ex-MStL 214-215, nee MStL 646, 746
218 RS-1 Alco 9/1946 75118 Re-#d to 1082 (2nd); ex-MStL 218, nee MStL 1046
221-223 RS-1 Alco 9-10/48, 12/49 76208-09, 77842 Ex-MStL 221-223, nee MStL 1048, 1148, 849
225-227 RS-1 Alco 1,1,2/50 77844-46 #226 & 227 re-#d to 1083(2nd) & 1086(2nd); ex-MStL 225-227, nee MStL 1049, 1149, 1249
228-230 RS-1 Alco 9/1950 78243-45 Ex-MStL 228-230, nee MStL 950, 1050, 1150
231-233 RS-1 Alco 9/50; 9/51 78373, 79235, 79346 #232 re-#d to 1087(2nd); ex-MStL 231-233, nee MStL 1250, 751, 851
300-301 SD7 EMD 12/1952 17408-09 Reblt with low-short hood and assigned 6620-6621; ex-M&Stl 300-301, nee 852 and 952
301(2nd)-& 302-303 RS-3 Alco 2/52, 5/53, 8/56 79628, 80280, 81900 Re-#d to 905, 1553(2nd)-1554(2nd); nee L&M 301-303
401(3rd)-404(3rd) C425 Alco 12/1966 3468-1 tp 4 Re-#d to 4255-4258
405(3rd) RS36 Alco 8/1962 84113 Re-#d to 4259
406(2nd) RS3 Alco 2/1952 79628 Ex-905, exx-301(2nd), nee L&M 301
600-02; 603-05 GP9R EMD 1956; 1957 22820-22, 22881-83 Reblt to 4502, 4302-4306; Ex-M&StL 600-605
700, 701-713 GP9 EMD 9/58, 10/58 24755, 56-68 Reblt into 4500 series GP9Rs; except 703, 712 and 709 (which became GP7R 4333)
606-608 GP9R EMD 7,10,10/57 22983, 82, 84 Reblt to 4307-4309; Ex-M&StL 606-608
802-809 GP30 EMD 9/1963 28526-33 Ex-CGW 201-208; #202-203 built in 8/63
810-823 GP30 EMD 4-5/1963 28304-17 Ex-CGW 201-208; #202-203 built in 8/63
824-825 GP35 EMD 2/1964 28908-09 -
826-843 GP35 EMD 3-4/1964 28961-78 -
844-863 GP35 EMD 2-3/1965 29760-79 -
864-866 GP35 EMD 3,3,6/1965 30276-77, 30625 -
867-886 SD40 EMD 1-2/1966 31263-282 -
887-893 SD40 EMD 4,9/66 31760-65, 32314 -
894-896 SD40 EMD 2/1967 32886-32688 -
900-903 RS27 Alco 3/1962 83601-02, 04, 03 #901 was actually 901(2nd)
904 RS36 Alco 8/1962 84113 Re-#d to 405(3rd)
905 RS3 Alco 2/1952 79628 Ex-406(2nd), exx-301(2nd), nee L & M 301
901-905 SD45 EMD 2/1967 32624-28 #901 is actually 901(3rd); the others are (2nds)
906-920 SD45 EMD 2-3/1967 32629-643 -
921-929 SD40 EMD 8-9/1966 32092-32100 Ex-CGW 401-409
930-936 U30C EMD 1-2/1968 36650-656 -
937-977 SD45 EMD 1-2/1969 34570-610 -
1066-1069 RS-1 Alco 8/1953 79589-91, 80850 -
1080-1081 RS-1 Alco 8-9/1944 72816, 72921 -
1081(2nd)-1083(2nd) RS-1 Alco 1944, 46, 50 73093, 75118, 77845 Ex-MStL 203, 218 & 226; nee MStL 1044, 1046 & 1149
1086(2nd)-1087(2nd) RS-1 Alco 2/50, 9/51 77647, 79235 Ex-MStL 227 & 232; nee MStL 1249 & 751
1485-1491 AS-16m BLH 9/50 & 1/53 74891-94, 96-97; 75694 Ex-MKT 126-29, 131-32 & 124; reblt with EMD engines
1486-1491 AS-16m BLH 1051; 2/53 [75431-32,33,35]; [75341-42] Ex-MKT 134-36, 138, 140-41; nee [1571-74, 76-77], 1787, [1579-81, 83, 85-86]; reblt with EMD engines
1500-1502 DRS 64-1500 BLW 1/48 73475-77 -
1503 RS2 Alco 2/1948 75573 Nee 401(3rd)-404(3d)
1504 DRS 64-1500m BLW 7/48 73478 Reblt with EMD engine
1505-1509 DRS 66-1500m BLW 7/49 74452-53, 74279-81 Reblt with EMD engine
1510-1514 H16-66 FM 1/51 16L35, 37; 16L275-77 -
1515-1517 RSD4 Alco 3-4/51 78214-16 Reblt with EMD engine
1518-1520 GP7 EMD 10-11/49, 1/50 10852, 67, 66 -
1525-1550 GP7 EMD 3-4/51 14292-14317 Reblt to GP7R and re-#d into 4200 series through 4500 series
1551-1555 RS3 Alco 8/51 78940, 42-44, 79056 Reblt with EMD engine
1553(2nd)-1554(2nd) RS3 Alco 5/53, 8/56 80280, 81900 Ex-CNW 302-303, nee L & M 302-303
1556-1559 GP7 EMD 8,9/52 16888, 72-74 -
1560-1561 AS-616 BLH 1/52 75333-34 Reblt with EMD engine
1562-1574 GP7 EMD 9,8/52 16875-87 -
1575-1603 GP7 EMD 6-8/52 16844-71 -
1604 AS-616 BLH 9/52 75182 -
1605-1612 H16-66 FM 10-11/52 16L659-666 -
1613-1618 RS3 Alco 7/52 80131-36 Ex-CNW 302-303, nee L & M 302-303
1619-1620 RSD4 Alco 8/52 80445-46 Ex-CNW 302-303, nee L & M 302-303
1621-1624 RS3 Alco 6/53 80515-18 #1624 repowered with Alco 251 engine; Ex-CNW 302-303, nee L & M 302-303
1625-1649 GP7 EMD 5, 4-5/53 18237-47, 49-62 1639 equipped with S/G
1650-1658 GP7 EMD 5/53 18228-36 Equipped with S/G
1659 GP7 EMD 5/53 18248 Equipped with S/G
1660-1664 SD7 EMD 6,5,5,6,6/53 18227, 23-26 Reblt to SD7R 6600 series
1665-1667 RSD5 Alco 9/53 80780-82 #1624 repowered with Alco 251 engine; Ex-CNW 302-303, nee L & M 302-303
1668-1673 H16-66 FM 7/53 16L696-703 -
1674-1683 H16-66 FM 8,7/54 16L872-81 "Baby Trainmasters"
1684-1690 RSD5 Alco 3-4/54 80859-62 1686-90 equipped with S/G
1691-1695 H16-66 FM 9-11/55 16L983-85, 81-82 "Baby Trainmasters"
1696-1700 H16-66 FM 8-9/54 16L972-4, 87, 86 "Baby Trainmasters"
1701-1710 SD9 EMD 6,5,5,6,6/53 19506-7, 19498-05 Reblt and re-#d to 6601-6610; 1703-1710 equipped with S/G
1711-1715 GP9 EMD 6/54 19508-12 Equipped with S/G; reblt to 4300 series GP9R
1716-1718 GP9 EMD 9/55 20682-84 Equipped with S/G; 1716, 1718-1720 reblt to 4324-4326 and 4301 GP9R
1719-1720 GP9 EMD 9/55 20685-86 Equipped with S/G, reblt to GP9R 4326 & 4301
1721-1724 SD9 EMD 10-11/55 20687-90 Eequipped with S/G; reblt and re-#d to 6611-6614
1725-1756 GP9 EMD 3/57-2/58 23542-73 Reblt to 4500 series GP9R, except #1726, 1728, 1734, 1736-37 & 1750-52
1757-69, 1770-72 GP9 EMD 1-3/59 25047-59, 25164-66 Reblt to 4500 series GP9R, except [1757, 59, 61-62, 66-67, & 71-72
1773 GP9 EMD 7-59 25466 Reblt to 4500 series GP9R #4531
1901-1906 H16-66 FM 6/56 15L1003-5 & 16L1029-31 -
3034-3052 SD40 EMD 2/69 34504-33 Ex-MP 3034-22, nee 734-52
4100-4144 GP7R EMD - See Rock Island Heritage Table "A"
4145 -4153 GP7R EMD - See Rock Island Heritage Table "B"
4154-4209 GP7R - - See Rock Island Heritage Table "C"
4240-4249 RS32 Alco 6/1962 - See Conrail Heritage - Table A
4250 RS3M Alco 7/1952 80131 Ex-1613; reblt with Alco 251 engine
4251 RS11 Alco 3/1956 81464 Ex-4651; nee Southern (Carolina & Northwestern 11
4252-4253 HE-15 CNW 5,8/1960 - Blt as HE (High Efficiency) 1534 & 1596 from GP7s 4200-4201
4255-4258 C425 Alco 12/1966 3468-1 to 4 Nee 401(3rd)-404(3d)
4259 RS36 Alco 12/1966 904(1) Ex-405(3), Nee 904
4279-4299 GP7 EMD - Nee CNW 1556
4301 GP9R EMD 9/55 20686 Ex-1720
4302-4306 GP9R EMD 1956; 1957 22820-22, 22881-83 Ex-CNW 601-605; nee M&StL 600-605
4307-4309 GP9R EMD 7,10,10/57 22983, 22982, 22984 Ex-CNW 606-608; nee M&StL 606-608
4310-4316 GP7R EMD 1953, 1950, 1951 18239, [10852, 67, 66], 14288-90 Ex-1627, 1518-23
4317-4319 GP9R EMD 8/52, 3/51, 5/53 16887, 14298, 18262 Ex-1574, 1531, 1649
4320-4326 GP9R EMD 6/54; 9/55 19508, 10-12; 20682, 84-85 Ex-1711, 13-15; 16, 18-19
4327-28, 4329-32 GP7R EMD 3/51 14291-92, 14294-96, 14300 Reblt from 1524-25, 1527-29, 1533; #1524 was blt in 4/51
4333 GP9R EMD 10/58 24764 Reblt from GP9 709 nee M&StL 709
4334-4336 GP7R EMD 3,3/51; 7/52 14308, 14310, 18863 Ex-1541, 1542, 1594
4337-4338 GP7R EMD 12/1974 14719-20 Wrecked and rblt from GP7 & re-d to 4337-38; nee CGW 120-121
4340-4358 GP7 GMDD - See QNSL Heritage Table
4359-4378 GP7 EMD - See SLSF Heritage Table
4379-4399 GP9R EMD - See UP Heritage Table
4400-4424 GP15-1 EMD 6-7/76 757142-1 to 25 4405 and 4410 were Operation Lifesaver units
4431-4440 GP7 EMD - See CR Heritage Table C
4441-4465 GP7 EMD - See SLSF Heritage Table
* * * * * Not included in above 4441-65 table * * * *
4446 GP7 EMD 9/1952 17344 Ex-PNC 1505, nee Florida East Coast 607
4448, 4452 GP7 EMD 12/54, 7/57 20200, 23388 Ex-PNC 1701 & 1706; nee Chesapeake & Ohio 5918 & 6229
4456 GP7 EMD 6/52 16544-16545 Ex-PNC 4206-4207, exx-Rock Island 4206-4207, nee Denver & Rio Grande Western 5110 & 5111
* * * * * * * * *
4466-4469 GP7R EMD 12/1979 - Reblt from 157, 61, 59 & 58; nee CStPMO same nos.
4470-4475 GP7R EMD 10-11/1979 - Reblt from 155-56, 53-54 & 52-51; nee CStPMO 151-56
4476-4485 GP7R EMD 6-9/79 - Reblt from [1532, 50, 68, 70, 59], 1653, 1540, [1652, 37, 58]
4486-4495 GP7R EMD 9/78-6/79 - Reblt from [1535, 39, 46, 49, 65, 73, 77, 81], 1632, 1639
4496-4499 GP9R EMD - See UP Heritage Table
4501, 4503, 4505 GP9R EMD 7, 9/57; 4/51 23552, 23559, 14314 Ex-1735, 1742, 1547
4502-4513 GP9R EMD - See M&StL Heritage Table
4514-4528 GP9 GMDD - See QNSL Heritage Table
4529-4531 GP9R EMD 1959 25050, 25059, 25466 Ex-1760, 1769, 1773
4532-4534 GP9R EMD 3-4/57 23546,23548-49 Ex-1729, 1731
4535-4536 GP9R EMD 10/57 23560, 23563 Ex-1743, 1746
4537-4538 GP9R EMD 59/57 25164, 23542 Ex-1770, 1725
4539 GP7 EMD 10/58 24762 Ex-707, nee M&Stl 707
4540-4541 GP9R EMD 1957 23555, 25053 Ex-1738, 1763
4542-4544 GP9R EMD 4,5,7/57 23544, 23547, 23556 Ex-1730, 1727, 1739
4545 GP9R EMD 6/57 25048 Ex-1758
4546-4547 GP9R EMD 1957 23565-66 Ex-1748, 1749
4548-4549 GP9R EMD 2/1959 25054, 25058 Ex-1764, 1768
4550-4559 GP9R EMD - See Rock Island Heritage Table D
4560-4562 GP9R EMD 57/58/59 22550, 23570, 25055 Ex-1733, 1753 and 1765
4600-4625 GP38-2 EMD 11-12/79 786271-1 to 26 4601-2, 4604, 4606, 4614, 4627 and 4631 were Operation Lifesaver units.
4626-4634 GP38-2 EMD 12/79 797303-1 to 9 -
4701-4703 GP38-2R EMD 3/1979 786237-1 to 3 Nee SECX 3821-23
4704-4706 GP38-2R EMD 7,9/70 36672, 36671, 33701

Ex-CSXT 2126, 2105, 2070;

nee C&O 4826, B&O 4805, C&O 3870

4707 GP38-2R EMD 7/70 36332 Ex-CSXT 2139, exx-SBD 6240, nee L&N 4019
4708-10 GP38-2R EMD 11,10/67; 9/69 33362, 33335, 35399 Ex-CSXT 2044, 2017; CR 7770;

nee B&O 3844, 3817 & PC 7770

4711 GP38-2R EMD 7/70 36332 Ex-SECX 3820, exx-SOO 4503, nee MILW 353,
5050-5099 GP50 EMD 5-9/80 786257-1 to 50 -
5500-5024 GP40 EMD 12/65 30947-72 Ex-CR 3010-23, 3025-35, exx-PC 3010-23, 3025-35;

nee NYC 3010-23, 3025-35

5525-5037 GP40 EMD 11-12/65 30973-86 Ex-CR 3036-42, 3044-49, exx-PC 3036-42, 3044-49;

nee NYC 3036-42, 3044-49

6000 SDCAT EMD 1/1968 33848 Ex-6547, exx CR SD45 6224, exxx-PC 6224, nee PRR 6224
6472-4, 6476-8, 6481-2 SD45 EMD 6-7/70 [36361-3, 65-67, 70-71] 6472-4, 6476-8, 6481-2
6485, 6488, 6490-91 SD45 EMD 7/1970 [36374, 77, 79, 80 Nee BN 6485, 6488, 6490-91
6500-6566 SD45 EMD - See Conrail Heritage Table B
6567-6575 SD45 EMD 1/1969 34551-61, 34563-65 Ex-BN 6457-67 & 6469-71, Nee CB&Q 516-26 & 528-30
6576-6589 SD45 EMD 1/1969 34551-61, 34563-65 Ex-BN 6457-67 & 6469-71, Nee CB&Q 516-26 & 528-30
6601-6602 SD9 EMD 5/1954 19506-19507 Nee 1701-1702
6603-6610 SD9 EMD 5/1954 19498-19505 Nee 1703-1710
6611-6614 SD9 EMD 10-11/1955 20687-20690 Nee 1721-1724
6615-6619 SD7R EMD 6,5,5,6,6/1953 18227, 18223-18226 Nee 1660-1662, 1664-65
6620-6621 SD7 EMD 12/1952 17408-09 Reblt with low-short hoods, were CNW 300-301; ex-M&Stl 300-301, nee 852 and 952
6622-6643 SD18R EMD - - See Southern RR Heritage Table; # 6629 and 6636 were Operation Lifesaver units
6644-6647 SD18R EMD 7-9/1959 25365, 25374, 25376, 25385 Ex-PNC 1848-50 & 1852; nee UP 407, 416, 418 & 427
6650-6659 SD38-2 EMD 1/1975 75618-1 to 10 6652 was an Operation Lifesaver unit
6701-6730 C628 Alco 10-11/65; 4-5/66 3429-1 to 10; 3455-1 to 20 Ex-N&W 1100-29
6801-6810 SD40-2 EMD 8/1973 73639-1 to 10 -
6811-6815 SD40-2 EMD 12/1973 73665-1 to 5 -
6816-6865 SD40-2 EMD 2-4/1974 74609-1 to 50 6825-6 wore Operation Lifesaver slogan
6866-6890 SD40-2 EMD 9/1974 74639-1 to 25 6886 wore Operation Lifesaver slogan
6891-6925 SD40-2 EMD 1-2/1975 74666-1 to 35 6902 and 6913 wore Operation Lifesaver slogan
6926-6935 SD40-2 EMD 11/1976 766032-1 to 10 6930, 6934 and 6935 wore Operation Lifesaver slogan
6953 SD45 EMD 7/1967 33179 Re-#d to 6561; ex-CR 6104, RDG 7604
7000-7034 SD50 EMD 11-12/1987 847049-1 to 35 7004 wore an Operation Lifesaver slogan
8001-8055 SD60 EMD 8-10/1986 867147-1 to 55 #8029 had Operation Lifesaver added later
8501-8530 C40-8 GE 6-8/1989 46085-46114 -
8531-8542 C40-8 GE 8/1990 46371-46382 #8542 carried "Wyoming Centennial" logo
8543-8574 C42-8 GE 7-9/1991 46771-46802 8551 abd 8553 wore Operation Lifesaver slogan
8575-8577 C42-8 GE 9/1991 46803-46114 #8577 carried "Safety and Reliability" logo
8601-8632 C44-9W GE 11-12/1993 47495-503, 47507-529 -
8633-8685 C44-9W GE 1-4/94 47641-73, 47724-43 8659, 8717 & 8727 wore Operation Lifesaver slogan
8686-8730 C44-9W GE 4-5/94 47780-809, 48083-97 -
8801-8835 AC4400CW GE 11-12/94 48169-48203 All Units are Operation Lifesaver
BU-30 and BU-31 Road Slug EMD - - Reblt in 3/71 and 8/71 from F3B 108B and F7B 106D
BU-32 to BU-34 Road Slug EMD - - Reblt in 7/71, 10/71 and 11/71 from F7Bs BN 755, NP 6011B and NP 6013C
BU-35 to BU-38 Road Slug EMD - - Reblt in 9/71, 11/71, 11/71 and 11/71 from BN F7Bs 665, 691, 625 and 679
BU-39 Road Slug EMD - - Reblt in 10/71 from BN F7Bs BLE 725B
BU-40 to BU-41 Road Slug Alco - - Reblt in 7/70 and 9/70 from CGW RS2 51 ex-51, exx-10) and CNW RS3 1554 (ex-BU-11)

* * * YARD POWER * * *

Road Number Model Bldr & Date Bldr No. Notes
10 44-tonner Whit - 6/1943 60284 Ex-CSPMO 10
11-15 S1 Alco 6-8/48 75890-75894 Re-#d to 1216-1220; nee CGW 11-15
16-19 NW2 EMD 4/48 5536-5539 Re-#d to 1017-1019; nee CGW 16-19
20-25 NW2 EMD 4-5/48 5540-5545 Re-#d to 1022-27; nee CGW 20-25
25-29 NW2 EMD 6/1948 6253-6257 Re-#d to 1028-1032; nee CGW 25-29
30-31 NW2 EMD 3/1949 8603-86044 #30 became 1016; nee CGW 30-31
32-33 DS44-1000 BLW 2/1948 73914-73915 #32 became 1073; nee CGW 32-33
34-41 DS44-1000 BLW 7/1948 74225-74232 #38-39 became 1074 & 1075; nee CGW 34-41
42 44-tonner Whit - 7/1941 60084 Re-#d from CNW 401
42 (2nd) NW2 EMD - 11/1949 7716 Re-#d to 1033 (2nd); Ex-CGW 42
44 44-tonner Whit - 4/1943 60129 Re-#d from 404
55 SW1 EMD 10/40 1194 Nee CSPM&O 55
56-57 S1 Alco 11/44 72842-43 Nee CSPM&O 56-57; #56 became CNW 1224
58-59 VO660 BLW 6/45 71572-73 Re-#d to 146-147; nee CSPM&O 58-59
58A,B-66A,B TR2A & TR2B EMD - - See TR-2A,B Table
60 SC EMC 2/1937 637 Nee M&StL 60
61 SW EMC 9/1938 749 Nee M&StL 61
61A, 63-65A TR2A EMD 7/49 6881, 6883-85 Re-#d 1011(2nd), 1013(2nd)-1015(3rd), nee CGW 61A and 63A-65A
66A & 66B TR2A & TR2B EMD 7/1949 6893-6894 Nee CGW 66A-66B; units re-#d by CNW to 1014(2nd) and 1103(2nd)
68 VO660 BLW 7/1945 71542-71543 Nee CSPMO 68; re-eng'd with EMD 567
69 VO660 Alco 5/1948 75889 Nee CSPMO 69
70 NW2 EMD 12/1940 1195 Nee CSPMO 70
71 DS44-660 BLW 5/1949 73904 Nee CSPMO 71
86 VO-1000 BLW 2/1942 73904 Nee L & M 100; re-eng'd with EMD 567
87, 88-89 VO-1000 BLW 3/1944, 7/45 70149, 72027-28 Nee CSPMO 87-89; re-eng'd with EMD 567
90 S2 Alco 10/1940 69216 Nee CSPMO 90
91-92, 93 S2 Alco 4/44, 5/44 72205-06, 72049 Nee CSPMO 91-93
91(2nd) NW1 EMC 8/1938 829 Nee M&StL 91
91(3rd) S4 Alco 6/1953 80621 Nee CSPMO 101; re-#d by CNW from 101
92(2nd) HH1000 Alco 6/1939 69093 Ex-M&StL 92, nee D539
92(3rd) S2 Alco 8/1941 69531 Ex-M&StL 102, nee D741
94 H10-44 FM 1/1947 L1171 Re-#d to 1058 by CNW; nee CSPMO 94
95-98 H10-44 FM 2/1948 10L40-10L43 Re-#d to 1062-63(2nd) and 1066-67 (2nd), nee CSPMO 95-98
99-100 DS44-1000 BLW 2/1949 74088-74089 Nee CSPMO 99-100; re-eng'd with EMD 567
100(2nd) NW2 EMD 5/1939 844 Ex-M&StL 100, nee D139
101 S2 Alco 6/1953 80651 Ex-CMSPO 101
101(2nd) NW2 EMD 8/1940 1135 Nee M&StL 101
102 S2 Alco 8/1941 69531 Ex-M&StL 102, nee D741
103 VO-1000 BLW 11/1944 70302 Nee M&StL 103
126-129 SW8 EMD 9/1951 14663-66 Nee CstPMO 126-129
143 SW900 EMD 7/1957 614 Nee CGW SC 5; reblt to SW900
144-145 SW900 EMD 4/1960 26019-26020 -
146-147 VO-660 BLW 6/1945 71572-71573 Ex-CNW 58-59, re-eng'd with EMD 567
150 H16-66 FM 2/1951 16L278 Nee CStPMO 150
201 30-Tonner Whit 8/1941 40122 Blt as diesel-hydraulic model 30DM-37
201(2nd) 30-Tonner EMC 8/1940 1135 Ex-101(2nd), ex-M&StL 101, nee M&StL D740
310-315 SW1200 EMD 7-11/1960 26075-2608 Re-#d to 1210(2nd)-1215(2nd)
316-321 SW1200 EMD 2/1962 27145-27150 Re-#d to 1216(2nd)-1221(2nd)
401-403; & 404 44-Tonner Whit 7/41; 4/43 60079, 60084-5; 60129 #402 and 404 re-#d to 42 and 44; model 44DE-18
405 44-Tonner Whit 6/1943 60218 -
408-410 44-Tonner Whit 1/1945 60508-60510 -
615-618 SW1 EMD 9,10/40; 11-12/42 1741, 1194; 1744-45 Ex-CNW 1210, CStPMO 55 and 1214-15
619-623 S1 Alco 8/42; 6/48 69829 & 75890, 75892-4 Ex-CNW 1213; and 1216, 1218-20 (nee CGW 11, 13-15)
801 SW8 EMD 9/52 16889 -
901 SW8 EMD 1/38 779 Reblt to BU-2
1000-1002 60-Ton Box Cab Alco-GE-IR 3,10/26; 4/27 66679, 66753, 66755 -
1000(2nd)-1002(2nd) NW2 EMD 7/49, 12/47, 10/41 6879, 5250, 1539 Ex-CGW 59A, P&LE 8706, GTW 7900
1003, 1004-5, 1006-9 S2 Alco 4/42, 9/42 1/44 66675, 69912-3, 69914-17 #1005 reblt into BU-9; 1008 re-#d to 1095(2nd)
1003(2nd)-1005(2nd) NW2 EMD 3/42, 1/42, 9/41 1553, 1548, 1433 Ex-GTW 7914, 7909, and ex-KCS 1101
1006(2nd)-1008(2nd) NW2 EMD 7,6,9/41 1361, 1354, 1434 Ex-SP 1912, 1905 and ex-KCS 1102
1009(2nd) TR2A EMD 10/49 10021 Ex-2000A
1010; 1011-14 S2 Alco 1/44; 2/44 69922; 69923, 69875-77 #1011 and 1012 re-#d to 1093(2nd) and 1084(2nd)
1010(2nd) S2 Alco 2/1947 73925 Re-#d to 1090(2nd), ex-CGW nee 8
1010(3nd) TR2A EMD 10/49 10022 Ex-2001A
1011(2nd) TR2A EMD 7/49 6881 Ex-CGW 61A, nee CGW 61A
1013(2nd) TR2A EMD 7/49 6884 Ex-CGW 64A
1014(2nd) S2 Alco 2/1947 73925 Ex-CGW 9
1015 S2 Alco 9/1947 75382 -
1015(2nd) S2 Alco 6/1947 75239 Re-#d to 1085(2nd); nee CGW 10
1015(3rd) TR2A EMD 7/1949 6883 Ex-CNW 63A; nee CGW 63A
1016 NW2 EMD 3/1949 8603 Ex-CNW 30; nee CGW 30
1017 NW2 EMD 4/48 5536 Ex-CNW 16; nee CGW 16
1018-22 DS44-1000 BLW 3-4/49 74083-74087 -
1018(2nd)-20(2nd) NW2 EMD 4/48 5537-5539 Ex-CNW 17-19; units are nee CGW 17-19
1021(2nd) NW2 EMD 8/40 1135 Ex-201(2nd); nee MSt&L D740 (101)
1022(2nd) NW2 EMD 4/48 5540-5541 Ex-CNW 20-21; units are nee CGW 20-21
1023 NW2 EMD 4/48 5541 Ex-CNW 21; units are nee CGW 21
1024 VO1000m BLW 8/44 71941 Re-engined by EMD
1025-1035 S2 Alco 5,6,7/44 72045-48, 72067-68, 72706-10 Re-engined by EMD
1025(2nd)-27(2nd) NW2 EMD 4-5/48 5542-5544 Ex-CNW 23-25; units are nee CGW 23-25
1028(2nd)-1032(2nd) NW2 EMD 6/1948 6253-6257 Ex-CNW 25-29; units are nee CGW 25-29
1033(2nd) NW2 EMD 11/1949 7716 Ex-CNW 42 (2nd); nee CGW 42
1034(2nd)-1035(2nd) TR2A EMD 7/49, 8/48 6860, 6877 Ex-CNW 60A and 58A; nee CGW 60A, 58A
1036 H10-44 FM 11/44 L1002 -
1036(2nd) NW2 EMD 5/1939 844 Ex-M&StL 100, nee D139
1037-47 VO-1000 BLW 3/45,4-7/45, 12/45 71746-7; 72009-10, 15-6, 22; 71561-4 -
1048-1055 H10-44 FM 9/46-1/48 L1015-8, L1085-6, L1172-3 -
1056-1062 H10-44 FM 6-7/49 10L134-10L140 -
1058(2nd), 1062-63(2nd) H10-44 FM 1/47, 2/48 L1171, 10L40-41 Ex-CNW 94-96; nee CSPMO 94-96
1063-1065 H10-44 FM 12/49-1/50 10L284-10L286 -
1066-67 (2nd) H10-44 FM 2/1948 10L42-10L43 Ex-CNW 97-98, nee CSPMO 97-98
1070 H10-44 FM 1/50 10L287 -
1071-1072 H12-44 FM 5/50 12L376-12L377 -
1073-1076 S-12 BLH 7/51 75064-75067 #1076 relbt with EMD engine
1073(2nd)-1075(2nd) DS44-1000 BLW 2/1948 73914 Re-#d from 32, 38-39; nee CGW 32, 38-39
1077-1079 S4 Alco 8/55 81397-399 -
1077(2nd)-1079(2nd) DS44-1000 BLW 9/52 75194, 75196, 75682 Ex-1106, 1108-09
1082 H10-44 FM 6/48 10L59 -
1083-1088 S2 Alco 4-5/1950 77495-500 -
1084(2nd) S2 Alco 2/44 69875 Re-#d to 1094(2nd), ex-CGW CNW 1012
1085(2nd) S2 Alco 6/47 75239 Ex-1015(2nd), nee CGW 10
1089-1090 S2 Alco 5/1950 77513-514 -
1090(2nd) S2 Alco 2/1947 73925 Ex-CGW 1010, nee 8
1091-1092 S2 Alco 5/1950 77515-516 -
1093-1094 S4 Alco 8/1951 78828-29 -
1093(2nd) S2 Alco 2/44 69923 Ex-1011
1094(2nd) S2 Alco 6/47 75239 Ex-1085(2nd), nee CGW 10
1095-1099 S4 Alco 8/1951 78830-34 #1099 reblt to BU-16
1095(2nd) S2 Alco 1/44 69915 Ex-1007
1101-1105 SW9 EMD 5/52 16910-16914 Re-#d to 1201(2nd) to 1205(2nd)
1101(2nd)-1107(2nd) TR2B EMD 7-8/49 6888, 91-92, 90, 87, 78, 86 Nee CGW 61B, 64B-5B, 63B, 60B, 58B, 59B
1106-1109 S12 BLH 9/52 75194-75196, 75682 All except 1107 reblt with EMD engine
1110-1113, 1116 H12-44 FM 12/52, 8/53 12L709-12, 12L770 -
1117-1121 S12 BLH 6/53 75394-75398 All except 1117 reblt with EMD engine
1122-1125 SW1200 EMD 6/53 18219-19222 Re-#d to 1206(2nd)-1209(2nd)
1126-1128 S12 BLH 7/54 76025-76027 All except 1128 reblt with EMD engine
1198-1199 SL144 GE 10/78 41104-41105 On short-term lease from GE
1200 100-Ton Box Cab Alco-GE-IR 8/30 11241 Retired in 1957; 600-hp switcher (two 300-hp engines) -- ** loco data from C&NW Historical Society
1201 SW1 EMC 1/37 655 Ex-EMC Demonstrator 655;reblt to BU-1
1201(2nd)-1205(2nd) SW9 EMD 5/52 16910-16914 Nee 1101-1105
1202-1204 S1 Alco 11,11/40, 5/41 69203, 69460, 69480 -
1205 80-Tonner Whit 8/41 60117 On short-term lease from GE
1206 S1 Alco 11/41 69601 -
1206(2nd)-1209(2nd) SW1200 EMD 6/53 18219-18222 Nee 1122-1125
1207-1212 SW1 EMD 9-11/42 1738-1743 1207 & 1209 reblt to BU-3 & BU-8
1207(2nd) SW1 EMD 10/40 1194 Nee CSPM&O 55
1209(2nd) SC EMC 7/36 615 Nee CGW 6
1210(2nd)-1215(2nd) SW1200 EMD 6-11/60 26075-26080 Nee 310-315
1213 S1 Alco 8/42 69829 Re-#d to 619
1214-1215 SW1 EMD 11-12/42 1744-45 Re-#d to 617-18
1216-1220 S1 Alco 6-8/48 75890-75894 Re-#d to 620-623 (except 1217), ex-CNW 11-15; nee CGW 11-15
1216(2nd)-1221(2nd) SW1200 EMD 3/62 27145-27150 Nee 316-321
1222 SW1200 EMD 9/60 26077 Ex-CNW 1212, nee 312
1223-1228 S1 Alco 7,8,9/44 70048-49, 71660-61, 71669 & 72693 -
1229,1232-1236 S1 Alco 10,12/44,1/45 72838, 72845-48, 73084 -
1224(2nd) S1 Alco 11/44 72842 Nee CSPM&O #56
1237-1246 VO-660 BLW 3-6,5,8/45 71514-21, 71560-71, 71575 All reblt with EMD engines
1247-52 S1 Alco 6-7/46 73904-5, 73909, 73912-13 -
1253-58 S1 Alco 4-6/48 75648, 75884-88 -
1259-1261 VDS44-660 BLW 2/49 73901-73903 All reblt with EMD engines, except 1260
1262-67 S3 Alco 6-8/51 78529-30, 78782-84 #1266 reblt to BU-10(2)
1268-79 SW1 EMD 5/53 18101-03, 111, 104-10, 112 -
1280-1281 SW600 EMD 3/54 19513-14 -
1301 MP15DC EMD 6/67 33180 Ex Minnesota Transfer 300
1302-1306 MP15DC EMD 2/75 74762-1 to 5 -
1307-13116 MP15DC EMD 3/75 74662-1 to 10 -
2000A-2001A TR2A EMD 10/49 10021-22 Re-#d to 1009(2nd) and 1010(3rd)
2000B-2001B TR2B EMD 10/49 10023-24 Re-#d to 1009(2nd) and 1010(3rd)
BU-1 Yard Slug EMD - Reblt from SW 1201
BU-2, 6 Yard Slug EMD - Reblt from NW1 901 & 91
BU-3, 8 Yard Slug EMD - Reblt from SW1 1207, 1208
BU-4, 5 Yard Slug EMD - Reblt from TR2B 200B, 201B
BU-7 Yard Slug EMC - Reblt from SC 60
BU-9 Yard Slug Alco - Reblt from S2 1005
BU-10 Yard Slug Alco - Reblt from S3 1266
BU-11, 12, & 13 Yard Slug Alco - Reblt from S1 1249, 621, 623
BU-14 & 15 Yard Slug Alco - Reblt from S2 1084 & 1092
BU-16 Yard Slug Alco - Reblt from S4 1099
BU-17 & 18 Yard Slug BLW - Reblt from DS44-1000 1074-75

* * * ROSTER NOTES * * *

A. #4084C was heavily damaged (including a cracked/bent frame) in Rhinelander, WI wreck on 4 July 1951. There is no available record indicating the F7A was rebuilt by the railroad or EMD. Yet records show a # 4084C was renumbered 21 years later as #415.
B. The following CGW locomotives were sold or scrapped prior to the merger with C&NW:
  1. F3As: 101A, 102A, 102C, 103A, 103C, 104C, 105A, 105C, 106C, 107A, 109A and 111C
  2. F3Bs: 104D and 111B
  3. F5As: 151 and 154

C. The following M&StL locomotives were sold or scrapped prior to the merger with C&NW:

  1. RS-1s: 200-2, 204-5, 208-9, 211, 216-7, 219-20, 224 and 234

* * * GENERAL NOTES * * *

Use of "[x,x,x]" brackets in a long string of numerical data indicates that those numbers are part of the same numbering series but not consecutive in order.


  • B & O - Baltimore & Ohio
  • B&LE - Bessemer & Lake Erie
  • BN - Burlington Northern
  • C & O - Chesapeake & Ohio
  • CGW - Chicago Great Western
  • CR - Conrail
  • CSPM&O - Chicago St.Paul Minneaspolis & Omaha
  • FEC - Florida East Coast
  • GTW - Grand Trunk Western
  • KCS - Kansas City Southern
  • L & M - Litchfield & Madison
  • L & N - Louisville & Nashville
  • M&StL - Minneapolis & St.Louis
  • MKT - Missouri Kansas Texas
  • N&W - Norfolk & Western
  • P&LE - Pittsburgh & Lake Erie
  • PC - Penn Central
  • PNC - Precision National Corporation
  • SBD - Seaboard System
  • SECX - Southeastern Coal Co.
  • Sou - Southern RR
  • SP - Southern Pacific

C&NW Historical Society; and Diesels of the Chicago & North Western by Paul Withers.

Thanks to the following contributors for additions and corrections: Dan Braun and Ed Weisensel.

Originally uploaded on 11 September 2010

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