General Electric

Locomotive Leasing & Management
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SOLD -- General Electric has been the leading producer (in terms of sales) of new diesel-electric locomotives for several years; it also has been an important player in the locomotive leasing market for many years. In late September 2015, Wells Fargo & Co. (First Union Rail) announced plans to acquire the locomotive leasing interests of GE. "The transaction, which will add to the existing fleet more than 77,000 railcars and just over 1,000 locomotives as well as associated operating and long-term leases, was expected to close by end of Q1 2016."

The intent here then is to prepare a consolidated roster of GE's present and past locomotive lease fleets (GECX, LMS & LMX).

* * * Locomotive Leasing Services * * *

GECX (GE Capital)
Last Update: October 2023 Formatted by: R. Craig Rutherford
Model Road No. Serial No. Bldr Date Notes
SD40-2/SD40T-2 748 & 749 786245-6 & 7 9/79 Ex-BC Rail 748 & 749 < nee Oneida & Western 9955 & 9956
753, 756, & 757 A3947, 3950, 3951 9/80 Ex-BC Rail 753, 756 & 757
856 786174-62 2/79 Ex-SP 8560
B23-7 2000 - 2002 38409, 397 & 403 6,5,5/72 Rebuilt form WP U23B 2263, 2251 & 2257
SD40-2/SD40T-2 2866-2868 73629-2 & 5-6 6/74 Ex-UP 2866-2868 < UP 4369-4371 < nee SP 8301 & 04-05
2870 & 2874 73685-4, 776076-5 6/74, 1/78 Ex-UP 2870 & 2874 < UP 4397 & 4403 < nee SP 8353 & 8376
2872-2873 776070-9 & 10 3/78 Ex-UP 2872-73 < UP -- & 4383 < nee SP 8365-8366
2875-76 & 2878 776068-1,2 & 5 1,2,2/78 Ex-UP 2875-76 & 78 < UP 4385, 4404 & 4407 < nee SP 8489, 8490 & 8493
2879-2880 786174-& 51 12/78, 1/79 Ex-UP 2879-2880 < UP 8656 & 4389 < nee SP 8353
2897 766050-1 1/77 Ex-UP 2897 UP 8629 < UP 4059 < nee D&RGW 5374
C30-7 3000 & 3001 38213 & 14 1/72 Ex-NS 3811 & 3812 < nee Sou U33C 3811 & 3812
3002 40961 10/76 Ex-UP 2956
3003-3006 39918, 20, 17 & 16 8/74 Ex-Milw U30C 5653, 5655, 5652 & 5651
3007, 08 & 10 39922, 19 & 21 8/74 Ex-Milw U30C 5658, 5654 & 5656
3009 38390 5/72 Reblt from ex-Milw 5802
AC4400CW 4000 - 4009 49973-49982 3/97 Sold to UP 7000-7009
C44-9W 4700-4999 -- 1998 Lease expired; returned this group to GECX
SD60 5958, 64-67 & 69 867147-28, 43, 44, 49 & 54 10 & 9/86 Ex-UP 5958, 5964-67 & 5969 < nee C&NW 8028, 43, 44, 49 & 54
5986-5989 867147-32 to 35 9/86 Ex-UP 5986-5989 < nee C&NW 8032-8035
5992, 93 & 98 9,9,10/86 SD60 Ex-UP 5992, 5993 & 5998 < nee C&NW 8040, 8041 & 8048
SD40-3 6401 & 15 31503, 31542 2, 4/66 Ex-Iowa Chicago & Eastern 6401 & 6415 < UP 7302 & 7308 < nee SP SD40-2 8422 & 8461
ET44AC-T4 7001-7005 -- -- Originally leased to Baffinland Iron Mines 7001-7005
7006-7008 61738-61740 -- EX-GECX 20201-7022
7313, 14 & 20 31560, 31497, 31563 1,2,1/66 Ex-Southern Pacific SD40R 8400, 8416 & 8403
7325, 26, & 36 31538, 29 & 17 4,4,3/66 Ex-Southern Pacific SD40R 8457, 8448 & 8436
B39-8 7401 43147 1/84 Ex-ATSF 7400
C40-8W 7600 series -- -- Ex-CSX #7653, 55, 60, 53, 55-56, 60, 81-82 & 95
7700 series - -- Ex-CSX 7712, 14-15, 26, 40, 42, 48-49, 53, 55-56, 58, 63, 68, 75, 82, & 85,
7800 series - -- Ex-CSX : 7818, 25-26, 29, 33, 37-38, 44, 47, 54, 66, 72-74, 90, 92-93, 97 & 99
7900 series - -- Ex-CSX


8000 & 8001 45412, 45449 10/87, 7/88 B39-8E, ex-LMX 8503 8540
8002 45723 12/88 Ex-BC Rail 8002
C30-7 8015, 17, 21 & 22 41668, 70 & 88-89 C30-7 Ex-ATSF 8015, 8017 & 8021-22
8025, 26 & 32 41692, 93 & 99 C30-7 Ex-ATSF 8025, 8026 & 8032
8036, 44, 46, 50 & 52 5 C30-7 Ex-ATSF (same #s)
8056 & 8057 41723, 41724 10/78 Ex-ATSF (same #s)
8058-8060 42080-42082 10/78 Ex-ATSF (same #s)
8066, 67, 69, 72 & 75-78 42377, 78, 81 83 & 86-89 4-5/79 Ex-ATSF (same #s)
8079, 84 & 87 42390, 95, 98 5/79 Ex-ATSF (same #s)
8089, 93, 95 & 96 42400, 04, 06 & 07 5/79 Ex-ATSF (same #s)
8099-8122 42500 5-6/80 Ex-ATSF (same #s)
8123-8152 43550-43579 C30-7 Ex-ATSF (same #s)
SD40T-2 8308-10, 12 & 13 776069-2 to 4, 6 & 7 2/78 Ex-SP 8308-10, 12, 13 & 22
8322 776075-1 1/78 Ex-SSW 8322
8350, 52 & 55 73685-1, 3 & 6 6/74 Ex-SP 8350, 8352 & 8355
8359, 62 & 69 776070-3, 6 & 13 2,2,4/78 Ex-SP 8359, 8362 & 8369
8492, 96, & 97 776068-4, 8 & 9 2/78 Ex-SP 8492, 96, & 97
8528, 48, 56 & 60 786174-30, 50, 58 & 62 12/78-2/79 Ex-SP SD40T-2 (same #s)
8644 73685-4 7/74 Ex-UP/SP 8644
8649 73685-4 1/78 Ex-SSW 8325
8650 & 8652 776070-5 & 7 2/78 Ex-SP 8361 & 8363
8661 786174-61 2/79 Ex-SP 8559
8663 & 8664 73629-1 & 7 6/74 Ex-SP 8300 & 8306
8670 776069-10 3/78 Ex-SP 8316
8678 & 8679 776068-6 & 7 2/78 Ex-SP 8494 & 8496
B40-8 9000-9006 -- -- Sold to MeC; ex-CSX 7552, 17, 7605, 20, 35, 27 & 7496 (nee CR 6042)
9007-90014 -- -- Sold to MeC; ex-CSX 7554, 28, 7609, 7523, 7622, 18, 35 & 7489 (nee CR 6025)
9015-90024 -- -- Sold to MeC; ex-CSX 7509, 34, 41, 42, 45, 61, 85, 7602, 43 & 7500
9026, 29, 30, 31 & 34 -- -- #9034 sold to MeC; ex-CSX 7516, 33, 44, 60 & 75
9044, 45, 48, 49 & 50 -- -- Ex-CSX 7629, 37, 42, 44 & 16
B40-8 9051-9054 -- -- Sold to MeC; ex-CSX 5930, 33, 36 & 43
9055, 56 & 61 -- -- Sold to MeC; ex-CSX 5946, 48 & 53
9062, 63 & 66 -- -- # 9063 sold to MeC; ex-CSX 5955, 56 & 64
9068, 69, 73 & 74 -- -- Sold to MeC; ex-CSX 5966, 67, 74 & 76
C40-8 9078-9081 - -- Ex-LTEX #8300-8303 < nee NS LTEX #8300-8303
9082 & 9083 - -- Ex-LTEX #---- & 8313 < nee NS LTEX #---- & 8313
9084-9086 - -- Ex-LTEX #8691, 95 & 98 < nee NS LTEX #8691, 95 & 98
9087-9091 - -- Ex-LTEX #8700, 01, 03, 06 & 07 < nee NS #8700, 01, 03, 06 & 07
9092-9095 - -- Ex-LTEX #8711, 13, 16 & 18 < nee NS #8711, 13, 16 & 18
9096-9100 - -- Ex-LTEX #8721-22 & 8725-27 < nee NS #8721-22 & 8725-27
9101-9106 - -- Ex-LTEX #8730-32 & 34-36 < nee NS #8730-32 & 34-36
9102-9106 - -- Ex-LTEX #8731, 32 & 8734-8736 < nee NS #8731, 32 & 8734-8736
9107-9110 - -- Ex-LTEX #8740 & 8742-8744 < nee NS 8740 & 8742-8744
9111-9113 - -- Ex-LTEX #8747-8749 < nee NS 8747-8749
9114-9116 - -- Ex-LTEX #8750, 51 & 53 < nee NS 8750, 51 & 53
9117-9119 - -- Ex-LTEX 8755-8757 < nee NS 8755-8757
9120-9122 - -- Ex-LTEX 8759, 60 & 62 < nee NS 8759, 60 & 62
C40-8W 9124, 29, 30 &35 - -- Ex-UP 9385, 66, 69 & CSX 7334
9141-9144 - -- Ex-UP 9439, CSX 7384, 37 & 39
9147-9151 - -- Ex-CSX 7326, 91, 02, 69 & 78
C44-9W 4781, 4791 & 4797 - -- Ex-BNSF
4809, 4827 & 4852 - -- Ex-BNSF 4809, 4827 & 4852

* * * Locomotive Management Services * * *

LMS / LMX (Locomotive Management Services)
Model (GE) Road No. Serial No. Model Notes
B39-8 LMX 8500-8599 45409-45508 10/87-4/88 Were on long-term lease to BN
LMX 8503 (2nd) & 8540(2nd) 45654, 45655 4/88 Wreck replacements; were on long-term lease to BN
C40-8W LMS 700-739 48104-48143 10/94 Were origianally on long-term lease to CN & Conrail
LMS 740-759 48204-48223 8-10/94 Were originally on long-term lease to Conrail

* * * Credits * * *

Thanks also to the following sources: Ken Ardinger (via LocoNotes), Joseph Belote, Jeff Carlson, Bryan Jones, Randy Keller, John Komanesky, Andre Kristopans, Michael Richmond, Kevin Sadowski, and Alex W., John Wendelin.

** Additional updates based on Greg McDonnell's Trains Magazine article of September 1999.

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