GE Critter Survivors

(Built prior to 1950)

Revised: 14 February 2025 Photo by: Terry Redeker
Roster by: John Komanesky
GE Serial # Date Built As Survives As Location
*** Model: 20 / 23-Tonners
12447 6/38 (20T Box Cab) Leigh Cement 1 Lehigh Portland Cement no# American Industrial Mining Museum.
12495 9/39 (23T Box Cab) Leigh Cement #? -- Lake Shore Railroad Museum
30491 8/49 (23T) Maine Narrow Gauge RR & Museum 1 Whitten Machine Works Maine Narrow Gauge Railroad & Museum
13028 1/41 (23-Ton) US Army Air Force 7758 (Reno) Shoreline Trolley Museum East Haven, CT/TH>
*** Model: 25-Tonner
29186 6/47 (N.G.) Colorado Fuel & Iron #11 Colorado Fuel & Iron #11 Pueblo Railway Museum
31570 6/52 US Army 1146 LI RR 396 Walkersville Southern
28250 7/45 New Haven 050 Providence & Worcester 151 P&W Railfan Club (Webster, MA)
28413 11/45 T.A.D Jones & Co. no# Northeast Utilities #? Connecticut Eastern Railroad Museum, NRHS
18143 12/43 US Army 7765 USA 7765 Museum of Transportation (St. Louis)
27614 7/1944 U.S. Navy - Naval Ordnance Depot 10 Georgia Pacific 1610 --
*** Model: 35 / 43-Tonners
12496 7/39 (43T) Wabash 51 Wabash 51; their first diesel Elgin County RR Museum
*** Model: 44-Tonner
12913 9/40 Arkansas Valley 93 Abilene & Smokey Valley 93 Abilene, KS
15760 12/42 ATSF 460 Santa Fe 460 Midland Rwy Historical Assn.
15761 12/42 ATSF 461 ATSF 461 Pacific Locomotive Assn (Niles Canyon, CA)
17927 7/43 ATSF 462 Santa Fe 462 Western America RR Museum
29974 6/48 Boston & Maine 119 Claremont & Concord Roundhouse Railroad Museum
-- -- Canadian National 4 -- Alberta RR Museum
28347 4/47 Canadian National 7751 Port Stanley Terminal 3 Port Stanley, Ont
28350 5/47 Canadian National 7752 Same Musquadoboit Harbour Rwy Museum (Nova Scotia, Canada)
29071 10/47 Fibreboard Products 1 Canon City & Royal Gorge Scenic Pueblo Railway Museum
29335 2/48 Indianapolis Power & Light Sunrise Cooperative (no #) Clyde, OH
-- -- Lafarge No# -- Alberta RR Museum
27975 5/45 Maine Central 15 Praire Southern RR 15 Omega, Sask.
12945 12/40 Mississippi Export 45 Mississippi Export 45 Being restored by North Florida Railway Museum
15025 11/41 New Haven 0803 Altos Hornos MSA 134? Vera Cruz State Museum (Mexico)
18192 3/45 New Haven 0814 General Dynamics/Electric Boat no# Danbury Railway Museum
15028 12/41 New York Ontario & Western 101 Salt Lake Garfield & Western Western Railway Museum (Rio Vista Junction, CA)
15031 1/42 New York Ontario & Western 104 NYO&W 104 Southeastern Railway Museum
29965 6/48 Pennsylvania 9331 Strasburg RR 33 Strasburg, PA
30245 8/48 Pennsylvania 9356 PRR 9356 Privately owned (Dallas, TX)
29972 10/48 Pennsylvania RR 9339 RR & W (?) 33 South Carolina RR Museum
27819 9/45 Quincy 3 Quincy 3 Western Pacific RR Museum (Portola, CA)
15123 9/42 Rio Grande 39 Mead Containerboard No# On display - Stevenson, AL
28336 11/46 Sacremento Northern 146 SN 146 Western Rwy Museum (Rio Vista Junction, CA)
12948 5/41 St. Paul Union Depot #441 James River #? National RR Museum, Green Bay, WI
28344 3/47 Union Pacific 1399 (90399) General Dyanamics/Electric Boat no# Danbury Railway Museum
15118 2/42 US Navy 65-00608 Day & Zimmerman 10-44 San Diego Rwy Museum
27818 8/45 Visalia Electric 502 VE 502 Western Rwy Museum (Rio Vista Junction)
17935 8/43 Western Maryland 76 Delaware & Ulster 76 Arkville, NY
*** Model: 45-Tonner
13057 9/41 (side rod) General Electric #1 Rochester Gas & Electric 1941 Rochester & Genessee Valley RR Museum
17834 3/43 (side-rod) New Haven Terminal Inc. 0413 Arlington Mills 2 Connecticut Eastern RR Museum, NRHS
29205 11/47 Roebling Steel #5 (same) Maryland & Pennsylvania Preservation Society
15807 42 Rohm & Haas (????) Railroad Museum of New England 42 RRMNE
29207 1/47 Texas State RR 1 Temple Lumber Co. 1 Rusk, TX
13059 10/41 U.S. Army 1202 Dodge City Ford & Bucklin Oklahoma Railway Museum
15155 2/42 US Army 7065 Michigan State Univer. no # On the sales block during Sept.
15716 8/42 US Army 7258 Wannamaker Kempton & Southern 7258 Kempton, PA
17813 3/43 US Army 7318 Hocking Valley Scenic 7318 Nelsonville, OH
15244 3/42 US Army 7324 Alaska 7324 Museum of Alaska Trans. & Industry
15878 10/42 US Army 7417 Sierra Rwy 7417 Calif. State Rwy Museum
13133 6/41 US Army 7485 B.B Badger & Sons #? San Diego Rwy Museum
18042 1/44 US Army 8534 Boone & Scenic Valley 1858 Boone, Iowa
18046 1/44 US Army 8537 USA 8537 Illinois Rwy Museum
17719 11/42 US Air Force 7441 US Army 7441 Orange Empire Rwy Museum (CA)
15260 5/42 US Navy 65-00067 New Hope Valley 67 Bonsal, NC
17798 1/43 US Navy #65-00408 Pullman Standard 4 Mid-Continent Railway Museum
12980 1/41 US Navy 7320 US Army 7320 Northwest Railway Museum
15717 8/42 US Navy 10106 US Army 7251 (Mich. Army Missle Plant) Minnesota Transportation Museum
*** Model: 50-Tonner
27631 2/44 U.S. Army 7924 Ideal Cement 28 Midland Rwy Historical Assn.
*** Model: 65 / 68-Tonner
15239 5/42 Detroit Edison 208 Detroit Connecting 4 Detroit, MI
29951 6/48 Pacific Great Eastern 551 PGE 551 West Coast Railway Association
12421 7/39 Secretarias Communications de Publicas 23002 Ferrocaril Unidos Sureste 412 Yucatan RR Museum; loco is a 68-Ton off-center cab
13035 4/41 US Army 7079 West Chester 9 West Chester
17861 4/43 US Army 7178 (Unlettered) Ohio Railway Museum
13154 8/41 US Army 7272 Middletown & Hummelstown 1 Middletown, PA
15163 12/42 US Army 7348 US Navy 65-00600 Pacific Locomotive Association
15267 5/42 US Army 7016 Northwestern Oklahoma Lines 3 NOKL (confirmation ??)
15730 1/43 US Army 7350 The Valley RR Essex, CT
18000 4/43 US Navy 65-00399 New Hope Valley New Hill, NC
17877 4/43 US Navy 65-00407 Northwood Pulp & Timber 101 Prince Georgia Rwy & Forestry Museum
*** Model: 70-Tonner
30032 12/48 Berlin Mills 15 Downeast Scenic Railroad 54 Downeast Scenic RR - Ellsworth, Maine
30372 9/49 British Columbia Electric 941 BCE 941 West Coast Railway Association
28566 12/46 Calumet & Hecla 210 Whitewater Valley 210 Whiterwater Valley Museum
28512 1/47 Central California Traction 30 CCT 30 Western Railway Museum
30017 7/48 Louisville & Nashville 125 (98) Tropicana 98 United Railroads Historical Society (New Jersey)
28505 12/46 Muncie & Western 8 Muncie & Western 8 Whiterwater Valley Museum
15174 11/42 New York Central 513 Ellwood Engineered Castings 6114B Todd Engine Heritage Park (Youngstown, Ohio)
30440 2/50 Pacific Great Eastern 556 Waterloo Central Railway 1556 (active) Southern Ontario Loomotive Restoration Society
28505 12/46 Southern Pacific 5119 Modesto & Empire Traction 613 Pacific Southwest Rwy Museum
28566 12/46 Calumet & Hecla 210 Whitewater Valley 210 Whiterwater Valley Museum
*** Model: 80-Tonner / ** 75-Toner
30404 4/49 Dow Chemical #90 (no #) French Lick West Baden & Sou
28477 7/46 Eastman Kodak 6 Eastman Kodak 6 Rochester & Genessee Valley RR Museum
28325 11/45 Genessee & Wyoming 22 Byesville Scenic 386 Byesville Scenic Rwy
28688 3/47 National Harbors Board 1 Canadian National 74 West Coast Railway Association
28689 3/47 New Haven 0900 General Electric 19 The Valley Railroad
27994 3/45 New Haven 0901 U.S. Navy Pier #2 The Valley Railroad
17093 6/43 US Air Force 7858 Boone & Scenic Valley RR 2254 Boone & Scenic Valley RR
15740 9/42 US Army 7145 The Valley RR The Valley Railroad
17892 3/43 US Army 7285 US Marine Corp 7285 San Diego Rwy Museum, California
27536 4/44 US Army 7236 CFTM 4036 ** 75-tonner; Wassy, France
15163 ?? US Army 7348 USN 65-00600 Pacific Locomotive Association
18026 9/43 US Army 7891 U.S. Navy Midland Rwy Historical Assn
18065 11/43 US Army 7893 Everett 4 Everett RR
27994 3/45 US Navy New Hope Valley RR 71 New Hope Valley RR
27861 5/45 US Navy 298 USN 65-00298 Niles Canyon Railway
*** Model: 95/100/132-Tonners
13031 4/41 Monongahela Connecting 111 Monongahela Connecting; one of only two built Lake Shore Railway Association (Wellington, OH)

* * * Credits * * *

Major 2011 expansion by David A. Dallner and R. Craig.

Contributors also include: Ken Ardinger, Ralf Aroksalasch, Chuck Bogart, Victoria Broskie, Dylan Cantrell, Rich Cizik, Ed Cooper, Ernie Darrow, Tom Delasco, Bob Devine, R.T. Dowling, Gary Farkash, Dave Fuller, Clive Frazier, Ron Goldfeder, David H. Hamley, Eric D. Hopp, Daylen Hoesing, Dennis Lamont, Mike Murray, Tom O'Neill, Carl G. Perelman, Bruce Petrarca, David Poirier, Thomas Scott, Jr., Rick Tufts, and Robert Wilfley.

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