General Electric U30B

Quantity Built: 291

12/65 to 3/1975

Somebody's Large Digital Image Here
Info Supplied by : John Komanesky Revised: 1 Oct. 2011
Original owner Road Numbers Qty. Bldr Numbers Batch/Order Nos. Bldr Dates
Atlantic Coast Line 975-978 4 36144-36147 1546 1/67
Cheaspeake & Ohio 8200-8209 10 38218-38227 1471 12/71-1/72
8210-8222 13 38475-38487 1482 11-12/72
8223 & 8224 are ex-GE Demonstrators 302 & 301
8225-8234 10 40068-40077 1446 12/74
Chicago Burlington & Quincy 150-154 5 36520-36524 1583 1/68
General Electric (Demos) 301-302 2 35880-35881 9005 5/66
303-304 2 35935-35936 1424 5/66
** 301 and 302 sold to C&O as 8224 & 8223;
** 303 and 304 Sold to WP as 770 & 771
Illinois Central 5000-5005 6 36200-36205 1554 2-3/67
Louisville & Nashville 2505-2509 5 36443-36447 1589 11-12/67
Milwaukee 6005-6008 4 36500-36503 1584 1/68
6009 1 36499 1584 1/68
New York Central 2830-2839 10 36246-36255 1552 11/66-2/67
2840-2857 18 36379-36396 1575 7-9/67
2860-2889 30 36411-36440 1577/1588 9-12/67
Norfolk & Western 1930-1944 15 36256-36270 1555 3-5/67
1945-1956 12 36326-36337 1573 6/67
1957-1959 3 36343-36345 1573 7/67
1960, 1961 2 36341, 36342 1573 7/67
1962-1964 3 36338-36340 1573 7/67
8465-8514 50 37441-37490 1454 8/70-1/71
8515-8524 10 37747-37756 1461 5/71
8525-8539 15 37757-37771 1462 9-11/71
St. Louis-San Francisco 832-835 4 36850-36853 1406 10-11/68
836-843 8 37164-37171 1453 9/69
844-853 10 39228-39237 2578 5/73
854-857 4 39901-39904 1435 8-9/74
858-862 5 40257-40261 1471 3/75
Seaboard Air Line 800-814 15 36121-36135 1548 1-2/67
Western Pacific 751-755 5 36451-36455 1587 9/67
756-759 4 36833-36836 1404 9/68
760-769 10 36998-37007 1435 4-5/69
** WP 770 & 771 are ex GE Demonstrators 303 & 304

Source of information: Extra 2200 South and "U-Boats" by Greg McDonnell. Corrections /additions provided by David A. Dallner.

Batch / Order numbers provided by Dave Dallner.

As delivered, NYC 2858 & 2859 were U33Bs; they were later downgraded to U30Bs.

General Electric U30C,

U30CG & P30CH

Quantity Built 600

1/1967 to 9/1976

RI U30Cs 4583 and 4584 are less than two months old atHB&T's Milby St. diesel facility in Houston, TX. Rock Island's 18 U30Cs 4582-4599 were delivered October-December 1973 in the red and yellow with white speed-lettered ROCK ISLAND scheme; and originally carried the GE XR SERIES stencil on the frame adjacent to the GE builder's plate near the front 'F' on the Conductor's side. RI's U30Cs were some of GE's "EXtra Reliable" internal upgrades to its U30 line. The side radiator intake screen was initially the full-width of the radiator. The Rock Island U30Cs reflect later units where it was shortened with a pair of smaller vertical openings in front of it. The Rock Island was no longer an operating railroad after March 31, 1980; and its U30Cs were lease returned to North American Car but never ran again and were eventually scrapped. (Ralph Backs photo and caption info)
Roster by : John Komanesky Last Revision: 29 Oct. 2020
Original owner Road Numbers Qty. Bldr Numbers Batch/Order Nos. Bldr Dates
Atlantic Coast Line 3021-3024 4 36140-36143 1904 11-12/66
Burlington Northern 5300-5305(1st) 6 38241-38246 1855 1/72
5300-5305 (2nd) 6 40390-40395 1811 5/75
5306-5319 14 38247-38260 1855 1-2/72
5320-5334 15 38350-38364 1883 3-5/72
5335-5352 18 38556-38573 1804 12/72
5353-5364(1st) 12 38574-38585 1804 12/72
5353-5364(2nd) 12 40378-40389 1811 5/75
5365-5394 30 39924-39953 1884 11/74
5806-5813 8 39289-39296 1821 7/73
5814-5823 10 39419-39428 1821 11-12/73
5824-5833 10 39713-39731(odd #) 1855 4-5/74
5834, 5835 2 40396, 40398 1811 6/75
5836-5839 4 40600-40606(even #) 1811 6/75
5912-5918 7 39282-39288 1821 7/73
5919-5928 10 39429-39438 1835 11-12/73
5929-5938 10 39714-39732(even #) 1855 4-5/74
5939, 5940 2 40397, 40399 1811 6/75
5941-5944 4 40601-40607(odd #) 1811 6/75
Chicago Burlington & Quincy (C&S) 890-893 4 36791-36794 1963 6-7/68
Chesapeake & Ohio 3300-3303 4 36300-36303 1922 6/67
3304-3312 9 36767-36775 1956 5-7/68
Chicago & Northwestern 930-936 7 36650-36656 1954 1-2/68
Delaware & Hudson 701-706 6 36232-36237 1921 2-3/67
707-712 6 36493-36498 1939 12/67
Department of Transportation 001 1 38090 1855 6/71
Detroit Edison 007, 008 2 38237, 38239 1851 2/72
009, 010 2 38238, 38240 1851 2/72
011, 012 2 38235, 38236 1851 3/72
018-021 4 40737-40740 1803 7/75
022 1 40741 1803 6/75
Ferrocaril del Pacifico 401-404 4 37369-37372 1816 12/69
405-408 4 37695-37698 1843 3/71
Kaiser Steel 1030-1034 5 36762-36766 1955 3-4/68
Louisville & Nashville 1470-1499 30 38415-38444 1887 6-9/72
1534-1547 14 37008-37021 1985 3-4/69
1548, 1549 2 37258, 37259 1813 10, 11/69
1550-1562 13 37260-37272 1813 3-4/70
1563-1582 20 37952-37971 1852 5-8/71
Milwaukee 5651-5658 8 39916-39923 1871 8/74
Missouri Pacific 25-29 5 39210-39214 1833 6/73
960-965 6 36700-36705 1952 3-4/68
966-969 4 37022-37025 1803 5-6/69
970-973 4 37559-37562 1842 6-7/70
974-978 5 38011-38015 1856 8-9/71
979-983 5 38261-38265 1862 2/72
3329-3334 6 39500-39505 1853 2/74
Norfolk & Western 8300-8302 3 39841-39843 1857 4/74
Pennsylvania 6535-6539 5 36096-36100 1913 1/67
Reading 6300-6304 5 36318-36322 1923 6-7/67
Rock Island 4582-4599 18 39479-39496 1841 10-12/73
Southern Railway 3100-3104 5 36483-36487 1937 12/67
Southern Pacific 7900-7929 30 36620-36649 1938 3-6/68
7930-7936 7 37172-37178 1812 10/69
Soo 800-809 10 36715-36724 1953 4-7/68
Union Pacific 2810-2829 20 38300-38319 1885 4-6/72
2830-2844 15 38795-38809 1815 2-6/73
2845-2849 5 38811-38815 1815 4/73
2850 1 38810 1815 4/73
2851-2859 9 38816-38824 1815 4-5/73
2860-2869 10 39200-39209 1825 6/73
2870-2899 30 39591-39620 1863 3-7/74
2900-2904 5 39847-39851 1875 7/74
2905-2916 12 40044-40055 1812 4/75
2917-2919 3 40056-40058 1812 2/76
2920-2959 40 40925-40964 1842 7-10/76
Atchison Topeka & Santa Fe 400-405 6 36346-36351 1925 11/67
Amtrak 700-711 12 40694-40705 1816 8/75
712-718 7 40706-40712 1816 9/75
719-722 4 40713-40716 1816 11/75
723 1 40717 1816 12/75
724 1 40718 1816 1/76

Source of information: Extra 2200 South

Batch/order compiled by Dave Dallner.

Original Upload: 18 February 2006

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