Metro North

Past & Present Motive Power

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Updated: 19 March 2025 Photograph by: Craig Walker
Road No. >Model & Date Bldr Nmbr Notes
101-106 GP35R ( ? ) EMD - GP35 rebuilds (see Note 1)
110-115 BL20GH (6-8/2008) BEC 9244-48, 9385 Built by Brookville Equipment Co.
201-205 P32AC-DM (7/1995) GE 48676-48680 -
206-212 P32AC-DM (11/97-3/98) GE 50287-50293 -
213-218 P32AC-DM (4-5/1998) GE 50570-50575 -
219-227 P32AC-DM (5-9/2001) GE 52828-52836 -
228-231 P32AC-DM (9/2001) GE 52837-52840 Ex-CNDX 228-231
301 & 302 SC42-DM (11/2024) Siemens Ex-CNDX 228-231
303-332 SC42-DM (--) Siemens On order
401-402 BL14CG (11-12/2008) 9256-9257 Gen Set
405 & 406 BL06 Brookville Off-center cab switcher; in service, seldom used
410 FP10 (5/1947) EMD 3943 Retired; ex-MBTA 1109 < ICG rebuild from GM&O F3A 807B
411 FP10 (6/1947) EMD 3948 Retired; ex-MBTA 1113 < ICG rebuild from GM&O F3A 810A
412 FP10 (5/1947) EMD 4997 Sold to Adirondack Scenic 1502; ex-MBTA 1151 < ICG rebuild from GM&O F3A 8884A
413 FP10 (12/1946) EMD 3600 Retired; ex-MBTA 1152 < ICG rebuild from GM&O F3A 880A
500 Series FL9 EMD (See FL9 Table below)
543 GP8 (6/1953) EMD 18474 Retired; ex-Conrail 5432 < PC 5432 < nee NYC 5770
605 RS3m (3/1952) Alco 79668 Retired; ex-Conrail 9905 (EMD engine installed) < E-L RS-3 1050 < nee DL&W 912
750 GP9 (12/1956) EMD 20925 Retired; ex-Conrail 7508 < PC 7508 < nee NYC 5936
801-807 B23-7 (4&5/1978) GE 41910-16 Sold; ex-Conrail 1903-1909
2000 Series FL9 EMD (See FL9 Table below)
2008, 2012, 2017, 2020 FL9 EMD Retired; may be scrapped
2040, 2043, 2045 FL9AC EMD Republic/ABB rebuilds; stored or scrapped
4184-4189 GP40FH-2 -- (See 4900-4905)
4190 GP40PH-2 -- (See 4906)
4191-4192 FP40PH-2CAT EMD Reblt by M-K; (See 4907-4908)
4193 F40PH-2CAT (5/1979) 786140-9 Ex-Amtrak F40PH 308
4194 F40PH-2CAT (7/1979) 777107-7 Ex-Amtrak F40PH 310
4900 GP40PH-3C (9/1966) EMD 32242 MNCR GP40FH-2 4184 < UP 610 < nee CRIP 350
4901 GP40PH-3C (10/1966) EMD 32244 MNCR GP40FH-2 4185 < nee CRIP 352
4902 GP40PH-3C (9/1966) EMD 32236 MNCR GP40FH-2 4186 < nee CRIP 344
4903 GP40PH-3C (9/1966) EMD 32247 MNCR GP40FH-2 4187 < nee CRIP 355
4904 GP40PH-3C (12/1966) EMD 32598 MNCR GP40FH-2 4188 < MP 629 < nee CRIP 372
4905 GP40PH-3C (12/1966) EMD 32594 MNCR GP40FH-2 4189 < MP 626 < nee CRIP 386
4906 GP40PH-3C (5/1969) EMD 35058 Ex-MNCR 4190 < CR GP40 3273 < PC 3273 < nee EMDX 25
4907 GP40PH-3C (6/1981) EMD 807050-10 Ex-MNCR 4191 < AMTRAK F40PHR 370
4908 GP40PH-3C (7/1981) EMD 807050-22 Ex-MNCR 4192 < AMTRAK F40PHR 382
4909 F40PH-3C (5/1979) EMD 786140-9 Ex-AMTRAK 308
4910 F40PH-3C (7/1979) EMD 777107-7 Ex-AMTRAK 310
4911 & 4912 F40PH-3C (10/1981) EMD 796380-3 & 4 Ex-NJTR 4115 & 4116
4913 & 4914 F40PH-3C (10, 11/1981) EMD 796380-11 & 13 Ex-NJTR 4123 & 4125
5000 Series FL9 EMD (See FL9 Table)

Note #1:

MNCR GP35R Histories:

  • 101 Ex-Conrail/Reading 3641
  • 102 Ex-Conrail/PC/PRR 2271
  • 103 Ex-ConrailPC 2251, PRR 2310
  • 104 Ex-Conrail/PC/PRR 2350
  • 105 Ex-Conrail/Reading 3637
  • 106 Ex-Conrail/PC/PRR 2274
  • Note #2:

    GP40FH-2/GP40PH-2/F40PH 4184-4194 are operated by NJT in pool service.

    MNCR operates ConnDOT FL9As 2002 & 2019, ConnDOT FL9Ms 2014, 2016, 2024, 2026 and 2027 and ConnDOT M6 MUs 9000-9047 in pool service.

    MNCR 2007, 2018, 2029 & 2031 sold to Adirondack Scenic RR.

    MNCR 2013 donated to Danbury RR Museum.

    2000 / 5000 Series FL9 Fleet

    MNCR #


    MNCR #


    MNCR #


    New Haven #

    2025 501 5000 2000 Sold to LIRR 301
    2001 502 5003 2003 Sold to LIRR 300
    -- 503 5005 2005 Sold to CDOT 2002
    2026, 2027 504, 505 5007, 5015 2015 Sold to CDOT 2026 & 2027
    2003, 2028, 2029 506-508 5017-5019 2017-2019 --
    2005 511 5023 2024 --
    -- 512 5026 2026 Sold to CDOT 2006
    2030 513 5027 2027 --
    2007, 2008 514, 515 5031, 5033 2031, 2033 --
    2009 516 5034 2034 Final road # 2040
    2010-2014 517-521 5037-5041 2037-2041 #2011 & 2014 sold to CDOT 2011 & 2014
    -- -- 5042 2042 Final road # 2043
    2043 522 5043 2043 Final road # 2045
    2016 523 5044 2044 Sold to CDOT 2016
    2019 527 5049 2049 Sold to CDOT 2019
    2031, 2020-2023 528-532 5052-5056 2052-2056 #2033 final road # is 2046
    --, 2024 533, 534 5057, 5058 2057, 2058 Sold to CDOT 2023 & 2024
    2033 535 5059 2059 --
    New Haven FL9 Builder Data
    • 2000 & 2001 (b/n 21946-21947 January 1957)
    • 2002 - 2029 (b/n 21948-21975 July-November 1957)
    • 2030 - 2059 (b/n 21976-22006 September-November 1960)

    NH's FL9 fleet went to Penn Central and retained their original road number. After being conveyed to ConRail, they were sequentially renumbered in the 5000 series (CR 5000-5059).

    Source: Diesels to Park Avenue: The FL9 Story by Joseph R. Snopek & Robert A. La May

    3rd Rail Multiple-Unit Cars
    (1100-1186) 87 MU 1100 MUs have been retired
    8000-8141 142 M-3 MUs
    (8200-8377) - M1a retired; may be already scrapped
    8400-71, 8500-71 142 M2 MU cars
    8550-68 10 (even #s) M2 MU cars; coach cars; have both AC and DC propulsion
    8651-69 10 (odd #s) M2 MU cars; cafe cars; have both AC and DC propulsion
    8700-49, 8800-49 100 M2 MU cars for New Haven Line
    8900-35, 8951-85 54 M4 MU cars, work as "triplets"; see MU Notes below
    9000-31, 9051-9081 36 M6 MU cars, work as "triplets", see MU Notes below
    4000-4335 36 M-7 MU cars
    9100-9299 200 M-8 New MU cars on order from Kawasaki;shared ownership with Conn DOT
    #s unconfirmed 180 M-8 New MU cars on order from Kawasaki;shared ownership with Conn DOT
    MU (Multiple-Unit) Car Notes:

    - MNCR operates commuter service out of Grand Central Terminal in New York City on several routes in New York and Connecticut

    - M4 cars are triplets numbered 8900 - 8935 and 8951 - 8985. 8900 - 8935 are the A & B cars of the triplet and have operating cabs. 8951 - 8985 are odd numbers only and are the middle car of the triplet with no operating cab. There are a total of 54 M4 cars. M4 cars have both DC (3rd rail) and AC (catenary) propulsion systems.

    - M6 cars are triplets numbered 9000 - 9031 and 9051 - 9081. 9000 - 9031 are the A & B cars of the triplet and have operating cabs. 9051 - 9081 are odd numbers only and are the middle car of the triplet with no operating cab. There are a total of 48 M6 cars. M6 cars have both DC (3rd rail) and AC (catenary) propulsion systems.

    - All New Haven Line MU equipment is partly owned by CDOT and partly owned by Metro-North and all used by MN in New Haven Line service.

    Thanks to Scott Hartley, Craig Walker, Jay Hogan, Wayne Koch, John Komanesky, Jim McCormack, Matthew J. Ryan, and Alan Schenkel for updated roster information.

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