& 4838

Northshore Mining (NSM)


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Updated: 19 March 2021 Photo by: Andy Haan
Roster info from Dave Schauer and Ed Weisensel
Model (& Bldr) Road No. Serial Date Notes
SD40-3 (EMD) 650 37451 6/71 Ex-EMDX SD40 6507 < CSX 8358 < SBD 8358 < SBD 8299 < nee CRR 3024; unit was rebuilt @ RELCO 6/17/2007
651-652 31330, 31337 3/66 Ex-PRR SD40s 6085 & 6092; #652 < RLC 652 < CR 6345 < PC 6092 < PRR 6092
653-654 79627-16 & 786170-47 1/80 & 3/79 Ex-UP SD40s 3674 & 3545; units are DPU equipped
655-657 73676-1, 2 & 9 12/73 Ex-EMDX 6040-41 & 6048; ex-ICG 6040-41 & 6048; nee Rock Island 4790, 4791 & 4798
660-662 A2341, A2379 & A2369 -- Ex-WC 6944, 6903 & 6928 < GCFX 6074, 6033 & 6058 < nee CN 5182, 5120 & 5110
SD70ACe (EMD) 671 20036520-3 5/04 Ex-PRLX 4833 < nee CSX 4833
672 & 673 20036520-9 & 8 5/04 4839 & 4838 < nee CSX 4839 & 4838
SD70ACe (EMD) 674 & 675 20036520-18 & 2 5/04 Ex-PRLX 4848 & 4802 < nee CSX 4848 & 4802
SW1200 /SW1000 (EMD) 1212 27823 11/62 SW1200; ex-Reserve Mining RSMX
1214 32494 11/66 SW1000; ex-NREX 207, nee CUVA 1050; retired still on property
1216 20333 11/62 SW1200; ex-BNSF 3531 < BN 183, nee NP 124
1226 26211 11/60 Ex-Reserve Mining 1226
SD18 (EMD) 1230 26658 5/61 Ex-Reserve Mining 1230; retired still on property
1231 26665 12/62 Ex-Reserve Mining 1231
SD38-3 (EMD) 1234-1236 30428-30 7/65 Ex-Reserve Mining 1234-36; reblt by NREX
SD40-2 (EMD) 2001 - - Ex-NRE 2100 < #VMVX 2100 < nee SOO Line 773
5418 75615-1 8/76 Ex-CP 5418 < nee KCS 673
5482 75615-9 8/75 Ex-NS 3252 < nee Sou 3252
SD70M PRLX 2643 -- -- On loan; ex-NS 2643
PRLX 4695 -- -- On loan; ex-CSX 4695
SD70ACe PRLX 4832 & 4833 -- -- Being repaired and painted; ex-CSX 4832 & 4833
PRLX 4838 & 4848 20036520-8 & ? 6/04 Being repaired, painted & re-#d to 600s; ex-CSX 4838-39 & 4848
Leased Units:
  • (ARR GP40-2 3004 - Has been returned to Lessor NRE)
  • RLCX SD40-2 3005 - ex-CSX 8333 < SBD 8333 < nee L&N 1257 (08/1976, f/n 756154-1); former CP albino (KCS)

Other Units (still on property): SD18s 1232 & 1227 (nee Reserve Mining); units are used as parts sources

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Thanks to the following contributors/sources: John Komanesky, Tommy Parker, Jim Rasmussen, Michael Richmond, David Schauer and Ed Weisensel

Updated: 3 November 2015

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