Rail Switching Services


Somebody's Large Digital Image Here
Revised: 6 September 2024 Ed Weisensel photo at Cargill in Cedar Rapids, IA
Reporting Mark: RSSX Formatted by: R. Craig
Model (& Bldr) Road # Serial # Date Notes
SW1500 (EMD) 1 -- -- Ex-
7 & 8 -- -- Ex-P&LE 1556 & 1549
GP7 (EMD) 10 & 19 -- -- Ex-
GP9 (EMD) 46 -- -- Ex-Sierra ?
61 -- -- Ex-I&O
518 -- -- Ex-Monroe NE 4493 < Central Valley AGri 4493 < IBCX 4493 < WSOR 4493 < SP GP9E 3823 < SP 3673 < ne SP 5810
SW1200 (EMD) 101 -- -- Ex-Sierra ?
TC10 (--) 102 & 103 -- -- Ex-
SW1200 (EMD) 110 -- -- Ex-
S2m (Alco) 112 -- -- Ex-ACL
SW1200 (EMD) 129 -- -- Ex--
NW2R / SW1200 (EMD) 168 & 169 -- -- #168 is ex-GN
SW14 (EMD) 201 -- -- Ex-IC
SW900 (EMD) 203 -- -- Ex-
SW1200 (EMD) 202 & 233 -- -- #233 is ex-CB&Q 9276
326 & 353 -- -- #353 is ex-SP 2292
SW9 (EMD) 402 -- -- Ex-GTW 6120 < nee D&TSL 120
GP10 (EMD) 430, 436 & 473 -- -- Ex-IC
SW1200 (EMD) 501 & 502 -- -- Ex-SLSF, C&O & --
GP9 (EMD) 506, 576 & 577 -- -- Ex-B&O
GP15N(EMD) 541 817017-2 2/82 Ex-UPY 541 < UP 666 < nee MP 1666
GP15-1(EMD) 545 & 553 757142-1 & 10 6/76 Ex-UPY 545 & 553 < nee C&NW 4400 & 4409
636 & 685 757142-1 & 10 6/76 Ex-UPY 545 & 553 < nee C&NW 4400 & 4409
680 817017-16 2/82 Ex-UPY 680 < nee MP 1680
694 & 698 817017-27 & 34 2, 3/82 Ex-UPY 694 & 698 < nee MP 1694 & 1698
SW1 / SW1200 (EMD) 616 & 702 -- -- Ex-IC
GP8/GP7 (EMD) 722 & 754 -- -- Ex-IC & ACL 1604
NW2 (EMD) 769 -- -- --
SW1200 (EMD) 802 & 803 -- -- Ex-TP/MP
900, 02, 04 & 05 -- -- Ex-MP
GP7 (EMD) 929 -- -- Ex-SAL 1749
SW9 (EMD) -- -- -- --
GP7 (EMD) 986 -- -- Ex-SAL
S6 (Alco) 1003 & 1008 -- -- Ex-SP 1055 & 1065
GP10 (EMD) 1032 20822 -- Ex-IC GP9 9184 < ICG 8184
1037 25022 -- Ex-Mid-South 1037
1051 20285 3/55 Ex-MSRC 1051 < nee MSRC 810
1052 20161 -- Ex-??
1062 22278 -- Ex-??
1078 20179 -- Ex-??
1081 22295 -- Ex-??
1085 22301 -- Ex-IC
SW1 (EMD) 1150 -- -- Ex-Monon
SW1200 / SW1200S / SW7 (EMD) 1205, 1219 & 1221 -- -- --
NW2 / SW10 / NW2R (EMD) 1234, 1259 & 1320 -- -- SW1200; ex-SP 1604
GP7u (EMD) 1337 -- -- Ex-ATSF 2696
GP10 (EMD) 1414 -- -- Ex-??
1416 -- -- Ex-??
GP18 (EMD) 1493 26026 6/60 Ex-N&W 2703 < nee NKP 703
25-Tonner(GE) 1501 32638 5/56 Ex-Canadian Sugar 1501
SW1200 (EMD) 1503 -- -- Ex-GTW 1503
GP7 (EMD) 1621 18981 3/60 Ex-GWR 1621 < BN 1621 < nee CB&Q 265
GP18 (EMD) 1700 25752 3/60 Ex-CC&P 9400 < nee IC 9400
CF7 (ATSF Cleburne) 1802 -- -- GP16; ex-RSSX 7011 < MSRC 7011 < ATSF CF7 2616 < ATSF F3A 16C (EMD 2730, b/d
GP16 / GP7u (EMD) 1812 13372 1/51 GP16; ex-CSX 1812 < SBD 4766 < SCL GP16 4766 < nee SCL GP7 939
1814 -- -- GP7u; ex-??
SW1200 (EMD) 2120 19085 1/55 SW1200; ex-SOO 2120
GP35 2235 29004 5/64 Ex-Conrail 2235 < PC 2255 < nee PRR 2255
GP9 (EMD) 2266 -- -- Ex-
SW1200 / SW9 (EMD) 2269 29645 2/65 SW1200; ex-SP 1604
2279 15068 12/51 SW9; ex-SP 1604
NW2 2346 4773 6/68 Ex-EJ&E 410
SW1500 (EMD) 2451 33142 9/67 Ex-SP 2451
2500 3987 6/68 Ex-SP 2500
2519 34436 4/69 Ex-SSW 2519
SW1200 (EMD) 3601 -- -- Ex--
LEAF (??) 3838 -- -- Ex-??
GP7R (EMD) 4364 11991 10/50 Ex-WTJR 4364 < CNW 4364 < nee SLSF 533
4367 9914 6/50 Ex-WTJR 4367 < CNW 4367 < nee SLSF 514
4443 13323 10/51 Ex-WTJR 4443 < CNW 4443 < nee SLSF 590
4451 14243 11/51 Ex-WT&J 4451 < C&NW 4451< PNC 562 < nee SLSF 562
SW1200 (EMD) 5606 4608-15 11/71/td> Ex-ATSF 248C (EMD F3A 2730, b/d 11/46)
CF7 (ATSF Cleburne) 7009 -- -- Ex-ATSF 248C (EMD F3A 2730, b/d 11/46)
7011 -- -- Ex-ATSF 248C (EMD F3A 13720, b/d 2/51)
SW9 (EMD) 7015 & 7016 17653, 17654 1/53 GP9u; built by GMDD, ex-C&O GP9 6005
GP8/GP9u/GP10 (EMD) 7983 & 7984 16962, 16963 9/56 GP8; ex-ICG GP8 7983 & 7984 < nee DT&I GP7 955 & 956
8203 -- -- GP9u?
8209 -- -- GP9u
8215 A961 9/56 GP9u; built by GMDD, ex-C&O GP9 6005
8234 -- -- GP10?
8321 21189 12/56 GP10; ex-C&O GP9 6005
8358 22249 12/56 GP10; ex-Clinchfield GP9 918
SW9 (EMD) 8939 -- -- --
8950 15496/td> 2/52 Ex-CR 8950 < PC 8950 < nee NYC 8950
8951 -- -- --
8959 14753 12/51 Ex-CN 1092
8999 16321 1/53 Ex-CR 8999 < PC 8999 < nee NYC 8999
9022 15733 -- Ex-Conrail 9022
9025 17888 6/53 Ex-Conrail 9025
SW1200 (EMD) 9324 23766 5/57 Ex-Conrail 9324 < EL 460 < nee DLW 565

Our thanks to the following people for updates / corrections: Martin Baumann and Scott Hartley.

Links: For More detailed information and great images, try: Vermont Rail System. Rutland/VRS All-Time Roster

Original upload: 5 February 2020

Additional information/updates by: Kirk Busse, Paul Doty, John Komanesky, Mike Murray, Bob Van Derveer, and Craig Zeni.

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