

Somebody's Large Digital Image Here
New: 6 May 2024 Photo by --
-- Data by: Andre Kristopans
Model (& Bldr) Road No. Bldr Nmbr Date Notes
AC44i (GE) 9061, 9062 CTA120257LN, 0258LN 2012 --
9580 CTF130332LN 2013 --
9860, 9861 CTF130333LN, 0334LN 2013 --
9862 9862 CTG130335LN 2013 --
9863, 9864 CTG140364LN, 0365LN 2014 --
9918-9920 CTJ180636LN-0638LN 2018 --
9921, 9922 CTH190657LN, 0658LN 2018 --

Additional information provided by: -------

Data originally formatted by: R. Craig: 6 May 2024

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