Delaware & Hudson

All-Time Diesel Roster

Somebody's Large Digital Image Here
Revised: 15 January 2022 Roger Puta photo (Aug. 1971) --- Mel Finzer Collectiom
Formatted by: R. Craig Roster by: Dick Will

* * * Cab Units * * *

Model (& Bldr) Road Number Serial # Date Notes
PA-4 / PA-1u (Alco) 16 76535 10/48 Sold to GE and later re-acquired by D&H; ex-ATSF 59L
17 76537 11/48 Sold to GE and later re-acquired by D&H; ex-ATSF 60L
18 76541 12/48 Sold to GE and later re-acquired by D&H; ex-ATSF 62L
19 75318 5/47 Sold to GE and later re-acquired by D&H; ex-ATSF 66L
The D&H PAs were re-manufactured by Morrison-Knudson to include a 2400-hp V-12 251F engine, a 5GT566E5 main generator, and four GE 752 traction motors
RF-16A (BLW) 1205 75361 12/51 Ex-Monongahela Rwy 1205 < nee NYC 3805
1216 75372 1/52 Ex-Monongahela Rwy 1216 < nee NYC 3816

* * * Road Power * * *

Model (& Bldr) Road Number Serial # Date Notes
C424m (Alco) 70 -- -- Ex-ST (GTI) 70 (see D&H 451)
74 -- -- Ex-ST (GTI) 74 (see D&H 455)
75 -- -- Ex-CR 2496 (see D&H 456)
C420 (Alco) 200-203 84722-84725 12/63 Leased from Long Island
204-207 84726-84729 1, 2/64 Leased from Long Island
208 & 209 84779 & 84780 2, 3/64 Leased from Long Island
GP38-2 (EMD) 225-226 -- -- (see D&H 7319-7320); #226 later re-#d to 7307
231 -- -- (see D&H 7325); #231 later re-#d to 7312
U23B (GE) 301-308 36803-36810 8/68 Re-#d 2301-2308
309-316 36811-36818 9/68 Re-#d 2309-2316; #315 scrapped prior to renumbering
GP39-2 (EMD) 370 & 371 -- -- (see D&H 7400 & 7401)
374 & 375 -- -- (see D&H 7404 & 7405)
380 & 382 -- -- (see D&H 7410-7412)
384-386 -- -- (see D&H 7414-7416)
388 -- -- (see D&H 7418)
C420 (Alco) 401 3463-03 7/66 Ex-CR 2077 < nee L&HR 29
404-415 3385-01 to 12 10-11/64 Ex-LV 404-415
422 3385-2 10/64 Ex-D&H 405 < nee LV 405
C424m (Alco) 451 84543 5/63 Ex-CR 2475 < nee EL C424 2401
452 84735 10/63 Ex-CR 2495 < nee Rdg C424 5206
453 & 454 84548 & 84549 6/63 Ex-CR 2480 & 2481 < nee EL C424 2405 & 2406
455 84556 6/63 Ex-CR 2488 < nee EL C424 2414
456 84736 11/63 Ex-CR 2496 < nee Rdg C424 5207
461 84544 5/63 Ex-CR 2476 < nee EL C424 2402
462 & 463 84547 & 84550 6/63 Ex-CR 2479 & 2482 < nee EL C424 2405 & 2408
TE56-4A (MK) 501-505 -- -- Ex-D&H RS3 4115, 4106, 4107, 4113 & 4122
507-508 -- -- Ex-D&H RS3 4112, 4119 & 4128
Built by Morrison Knudsen, this type of locomotive was often referred to as an RS3m or RS3u. It was typically powered by a 2000-hp V12-251C engine.
C628 (Alco) 601-609 3373-1 to 9 3-5/65 --
610-618 3407-1 to 9 5/65 --
U30C (GE) 701-706 36232-36237 2-3/67 --
707-712 36493-36498 12/67 --
U33C (GE) 751-753 36785-36787 7/68 Ex-EL 3301-3303
D&H and EL traded SD45s D&H 801-803 for EL U33Cs 3301-3303. The SD45s were not renumbered; the U33Cs were renumbered D&H 751-753. The trade was reversed 12/1975, and the U33Cs were renumbered back to 3301-3303.
754-762 37616-37624 9-12/70 --
SD45(EMD) 801 32642 6/66 Ex-EMD Demo 4354
802-803 31694, 31695 1/66 Ex-EMD Demo 4352 & 4353
RS2 (Alco) 4000-4002 74991, 74997 & 98 11-12/46 --
4003-4006 75131, 32, 37 & 41 12/46-3/47 --
4007-4011 75566-75570 1/48 --
4012-4013 76234-76235 12/48 --
4014-4024 77541-42 & 67-75 10-11/49 --
4025 77856 11/49 --
RS3 (Alco) 4026-4032 78051-78057 5-6/50 --
4033-4036 78356-78359 10/50 --
4037-4045 78336-78344 10/50 --
4046-4048 78353-78355 10/50 --
4049, 4052-4054 78886-78889 6/51 --
4050 & 4051 76098-76099 2/50 RS2 built by MLW for the Napierville Jct.
4055-4069 79652-79666 2-3/52 --
4070-4098 80160-80188 8-9/52 --
4099-4119 80299-80319 9-10/52 --
4120-4129 80522-80531 8/53 --
RS11 (Alco) 5000-5005 83504-06, & 34-36 3/60 Locos built and painted as NYC 8009-8014, but not accepted by NYC
5006-5011 83685-83690 4-5/61 --
RS36 (Alco) 5012-5019 84394-84401 1/63 --
5020-5023 84402-84405 2/63 #5015 wore simplified blue / yellow scheme
GP38-2 (EMD) 7303 & 7304 -- -- (see D&H 7317 & 7315)
7307 -- -- (see D&H 7320)
7309 & 7312 -- -- (see D&H 7322 & 7325)
7314-7318 7386-1 to 5 11/72 Ex-LV 314-318; #7315 & 7317 re-#d to & D&H 7304 & 7303
7319-7320 7386-6 & 7 11/72 Re-#d to D&H 225-226; ex-LV 319-320
7321-7322 7386-8 & 9 11/72 Ex-LV 321-322; #322 re-#d D&H 7309
7323-7324 7386-10 & 11 11/72 Ex-LV 323-324
7325 7386-12 11/72 Re-#d to D&H 231; nee-LV 325
GP39-2 (EMD) 7400 74640-20 12/74 Re-#d to 370; ex-Rdg 3420
7401-7403 74640-1 to 3 11/74 Ex-Rdg 3401-3403; #7403 re-#d to D&H 371
7404-7405 74640-4 & 5 11/74 Re-#D to D&H 374 & 375; nee Rdg 3404 & 3405
7406-7409 74640-6 to 9 11/74 Ex-Rdg 3406-3409
7410-7412 74640-10 to 12 11/74 Ex-Rdg 3410-3412; #7410 & 7412 re-#d to D&H 380 & 382
7413 74640-13 11/74 Ex-Rdg 3413
7414-7416 74640-14 to 16 11/74 Re-#d to D&H 384-386; nee Rdg 3414-3416
7417 74640-17 11/74 Ex-Rdg 3417
7418-7419 74640-17 & 19 11/74 Ex-Rdg 3418-3419; #7418 re-#d to D&H 388
GP39-2 (EMD) 7600-7620 756126-1 to 20 3/76 --

* * * Yard Power * * *

Model (& Bldr) Road Number Serial # Date Notes
S2 (Alco) 3001 & 3002 72035, 72749 5, 9/44 --
3003-3004 73358-73359 5/45 --
3005-3007 74329-30, 34 & 35 9-10/45 --
3008-3011 74344-74347 11/45 --
3012-3016 75550-75554 12/47-1/48 --
3017 75649 1/48 --
3018-3022 76197-76201 11/48 --
3023-3027 76512-76516 12/48 --
3028-3032 77816-77820 11/49 --
S4 (Alco) 3033-3036 78029-78032 9/50 --
3037-3046 78231-78240 9/50 --
3047-3050 78406-78409 10/50 --

* * * Notes & Credits * * *

  • ATSF - Atchison Topeka & Santa Fe
  • CP - Canadian Pacific
  • CR - Conrail
  • D&H - Delaware & Hudson
  • L&HR - Lehigh & Hudson River
  • LV - Lehigh Valley
  • MKC - Morrison-Knudsen
  • MlW - Montreal Locomotive Works
  • PC - Penn Central
  • PDG - Reading

References: Extra 2200 South (Nov./ Dec. 1972 & April / May / June 1976)

Additional information/updates provided by: Ralph Balfoort, Tom Berry, R. Craig (TDS), David Hill, Steven Lynch, and Allan McCormick.

New: 2 Dec 2011

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