Fort Worth & Western

All-Time Diesel

Somebody's Large Digital Image Here
Revised: December 2024 Photo by: Mike Murray
Reporting Mark: FWWR Roster by: Many Contributors
EMD Model* Road No. Serial # Date Loco "Name" Notes (including Bldr date)
GP38-3 2000 29371 6/64 Miss Molly Ex-Wisconsin & Southern < Great Western < nee D&RGW GP35 3038
2001 30023 1/65 Niles City Ex-Omnitrax 2006 < LHRR 2006 < nee D&RGW GP35 3050
GP38-3 2003 30160 6/65 General Worth Ex-Omnitrax 665 < ex-SP 6650 < nee SP GP35 7753
GP38-2 2004 36977 3/71 Comanche Ex-Conrail 7922 < nee PC GP38 7922
2005 35325 6/69 Maj. Ripley Arnold Ex-NS 289 < Conrail 7696 < nee PC GP38 7696
GP38 2006 34854 4/69 General Tarrant Ex-Point Comfort & Northern < GATX < nee B&O GP40 3731
2007 34849 3/69 B.B. Paddock Ex-Point Comfort & Northern < GATX < nee B&O GP40 3726
GP50 2008 786257-32 7/80 Panther City Ex-UP 5544 < nee C&NW 5081
2009 786257-26 7/80 Chisolm Trail Ex-UP 5529 < nee C&NW 5075
2010 786257-42 8/80 Trinty Ex-C&NW 5091
2011 786257-40 7/80 Miss Etta Ex-C&NW 5089
2012 786257-3 5/80 Chaparral Ex-C&NW 5083
SD40-2 2016 31520 4/66 Sundance Kid Ex-NREX 7353.
2017 31521 3/66 Kid Curry Ex-NREX 7363 < nee SP 8440 (?).
GP40-2 2020 31790 7/66 Wyatt Earp Ex-SAL GP40 621
2021 7359-2 10/72 Armour Ex-GTW #6407 < nee DT&I 407
2022 7359-6 10/72 Swift Ex-GTW #6411 < nee DT&I 411
SD40-2 2023 31536 4/65 Hood County Ex-GCFX 3102 < SP 8913 < SP 7369 < nee SP SD40 8455 (f/n 7861-46)
2024 32827 5/67 Erath County Ex-CEFX 3120 < SP SD45 7467 < nee SP SD40 8913 (f/n 7971-20)
2025 32508 10/66 Parker County Ex-CEFX 3145 < MKMX SD45 5366 < ATSF 5366 < ATSF 5532 < nee ATSF SD40 1832 (f/n 5722-3)
2026 36816 8/70 Brazos River Ex-L&N 1246
2027 36999 1/71 Clear Fork River Ex-PC 6273
2028 31335 3/66 Leon River Ex-PRR 6090
2029 35496 5/70 Eastland County Ex-KCS 623
2030 34897 5/69 Dallas County Ex-SOO 745
2031 32097 8/66 Johnson County Ex-CGW 406
2032 33401 5/68 Brown County Ex-NedM 8519
SD60M 2033 886061-22 10/90 Luke Short Ex-UP 2392 < nee-UP 6237
2034 906100-11 11/91 Timothy Courtright Ex-UP 2433 < nee UP 6279
2035 926302-5 8/1992 Butch Casssidy Ex-UP 2479 < nee UP 6320
2036 886015-48 5/89 Tarantula Ex-NREX 2312 < ex UP 2312 < nee UP 6157
2037 886023-50 8/89 Longhorn Ex-NREX 2371 < ex UP 2371 < nee UP 6209
2038 886023-XX 8/89 Mustang Recently delivered; ex-NREX 2454
GP60 2039 836061-2 10/85 -- Ex-CSX 6898 LLPX 6002 < nee EMDX Demo 6
2040 836061-2 10/85 -- Ex-CSX 6897 LLPX 6001 < nee EMDX Demo 5
GP50 2041 786257-22 6/80 -- Ex-WAMX 5007 < FURX 2921, < UP 5550 < nee CNW 5071
2042 786257-50 9/80 -- Ex-WAMX 5013 < FURX 2949, < UP 5557 < nee CNW 5099
SD40-2 NREX 3051 A2666 7/72 - Leased power; ex-FURX 3051 < nee CP 5622
SD60 NREX 5980 867147-20 8/86 - Leased power; ex-UP 5980 < nee C&NW 8020
SD60 6002 867164-3 8/87 - Ex-SOO 6002
6009 & 6013 867164-10 & 14 8/87 - Ex-SOO 6009 & 6013

* * * Dispositions * * *
GP7 103 9228 8/50 - Ex-Conrail < Penn Central < nee NYC 5601
F7A 104 17910 2/53 Texas Southern Ex-B&LE 726A
GP7 1500 17012 10/52 - Ex-ATSF 2785; re-blt from FWWR 104 into 2GS14B FWWR 2014
2GS14B (NREX) 2013 5012-2 5/07 Luke Short Ex-FWWR 1400; built new using frame and serial number from FWWR 103
2014 5170-13 5/07 Timothy Courtright Ex-FWWR 1401; built new using frame and serial number from FWWR 1500
SD40-2 2015 74690-12 3/75 Butch Cassidy Ex-NRE 5426 < CPR 5426 < GSCX 2004 < UP 4175 < nee MP 3175
2018 73661-10 6/74 Tarantula Ex-UP 8012 (one of UPRR's original 80 mph "Fast Forties") < nee UP 3252
CF7 / GP7R 2198 -- - - Ex-ATSF 2198
2473 5410 6/48 - Leased unit; built from ATSF F7 #345C < nee ATSF 28C
2569 8284 11/49 - Leased unit; ex-ATSF F7 #213C reblt into CF7
2785 17012 10/52 - Ex-ATSF; re-blt into 2GS14B FWWR 2014
GP9 4299 16872 9/512 - Leased unit; ex-Chicago & North Western 1557
GP35 5004 A2037 5/64 - GMDD-built; ex-CP 5004 < nee CP 8204
5007 A2040 5/64 - GMDD-built; ex-CP 5007 < nee CP 8207
5020 A2085 7/65 - GMDD-built; ex-CP 5020 < nee CP 5020
Locomotive data provided by Michael Richmond.

*All models are EMD / GMDD-built unless otherwise noted.

Additional information/updates provided by: Jimmy Barlow, Ken Fitzgerald, Zack Hilton, Randy Keller, John Komanesky, Mike Murray, Robert Seale, Brian Tindle & Robert Wise, along with RRPA

Use this link for a highly detailed FWWR roster. The author is unknown. (courtesy of Craig Walker).

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