Missouri Pacific

All-Time Diesel Summary

NYC photo here
Revised: 9 July 2024 Photo by: Marty Bernard
Reporting Mark: MP Formatted by: R. Craig


Model & (Builder) Final Road No. First MP/(subsidiary) No. Builder No. Bldr Date Interim Road Numbers and Notes
E7A (EMD) 1 & 2 T&P 2000 & 2001 3767, 3768 3/47 -
3-8 T&P 2002-07 3936-3941 3/47 -
9-10 T&P 2008-09 8464, 8465 4/49 -
E6A (EMC) 11-12 7002A-03A 1389, 1390 10/41 -
E6B (EMC) 11B-12B 7002B-03B 1391, 1392 10/41 -
E7A (EMD E7) 13, 14-15 7004A, 7005A-06A 2895, 3762, 3763 9/45, 3/47 -
16 IGN 7007A 3766 3/47 -
17-18 SLBM 7008A-09A 3887, 3888 3/47 -
19-20 7010A-11A 3758, 3759 3/47 -
21 & 22 IGN 7012A & 7013A 3764, 4795 3, 9/47 -
23-26 7014-17 5443-5446 6-7/48 -
27-28 C&EI 1100-01 3374, 3375 5/46 -
E7B (EMD) 13B 7004B 2896 1945 -
14B-16B 7010B-11B, IGN 7012B 3765 1947 -
17B-20B 7014B-17B 5447-5450 1948 -
EMD E8A 30-33 T&P 2010-13 14548, 49, 57, 58 1951 -
34-37 T&P 2014-17 11584-11587 1951 -
38-41 7018-21 8635-8638 1950 -
42 - 9088 1950 Ex-B&M 3821
E9Am (EMD) 43 C&EI 43 24733 8/58 Built as 1102 (2nd) from E7A 1102; re-#d to 43
PA-1 (ALCO) 44-51 8001-08 77503-77510 10/49 -
PA-2 (ALCO) 52-53 8009-10 78135, 78136 4/50 -
54-55 8011-12 (IGN) 78137, 78138 4/50 -
56-61 8013-18 78734-78739 5-6/51 -
62-69 8019-26 79042-45, 78208-11 5-6/52 -
69-72 8027-8030 78957-78960 7-8/52 -
73-79 8031-8036 80045-80050 8-9/52 -
FP7 (EMD) 933-42 C&EI 1600-09 7535-7544 8-9/49 -
E3A (EMC) -- 7000 & 7001 936, 937 10/39 -
AA6 (EMC) -- 7100 1082 8/40 -


Model (& Bldr) Final MP No. First Road No. & Subsidiary Builder Nmbr Bldr Date Interim Road Numbers and Notes
FTA (EMD) 501A-08A - 2072-2079 10/44 -
509A-12A - 3358-3361 7/45 -
FTB (EMD) 501B-08B - 2080-2087 10/44 -
501B-08B - 3362-3365 7/45 -
F3A (EMD) 700-705 513-518 4234-4244 (even #s) 1947 -
706-711 519-524 4235-4245 (odd #s) 1947 -
712-14 IGN 525-278 4371, 73, 72, 74 11/47 -
715-38 SLBM 529-52 4359-70, 5459-70 11/47, 6/48 -
739-46 IGN 553-60 5471-77 (odd), 72-78 (even) 9/48 -
750 C&EI 1405 7851 11/48 -
751 C&EI 1407 5999 12/48 -
765-74 561-70 5418-28 (even), 5435-38 8-9/48 -
790-95 571-76 541-27 (odd) 8/48 -
F7A (EMD) 785-86 IGN 617-18 8645, 8646 4/50 -
796-813 577-594 7996-97, 7972-87 9-10/49 -
814-825 IGN 595-606 8010-13, 7964-71 9/49 Not sequential
826-33, 834-35 SLBM 607-16 8002-09, 8647, 8648 10/49, 4/50 -
836-43 619-26 12521-24, 12527-30 3/51 -
T&P 844-47 K0&G 751-54 8404-8407 1949 -
848-49 - 11412, 11414 6/50 EX-D&RGW 5684, 5694
850-61, 862-86 T&P 1520-36 11559-11575 7/50 -
887-895 T&P 1537-45 12029-12037 3/51 -
896-903 T&P 1546-53 12042-12049 4/51 -
904-907 T&P 1554-57 12038-12041 4/51 -
931-32 T&P 1537-57 15839-15840 1/52 -
F3B (EMD) 750B C&EI 1501 6011 7/48 -
751B C&EI 1502 7852 11/48 -
752B-753B C&EI 1503-04 6002, 6003 12/48 -
790B-795B 513B-18B 4246-4251 11/47 -
796B-797B 525B-26B 4375, 4376 11/47 -
797B-800B IGN 553B-56B 5479-5482 10/48 ** Questionable s/n's
801B-806B 561B-70B 5429-5434 8/48 -
807B-810B 567B-70B 5439-5442 9/48 -
F7B (EMD) 811B-818B 587B-594B 7988-7995- 1949 -
819B-820B 595B-596B 8155, 8156 1949 -
821B-822B 619B-620B 12525, 12526 1951 -
846B-47B 755B-756B 8408, 8409 1949 -
848B-849B - 11422, 11424 1950 EX-D&RGW 5683, 5693
850B-865B T&P 1500B-15B 8440-51, & 69-63 2-11/49 -
866B-873B T&P 1516B-23B 11576, 77 & 13516-21 7/50, 4/51 -
-- T&P 1524B-30B 14541-14547 7/51 -
-- T&P 1531B-34B 15841-15844 1/52 -
F3B (EMD) C&EI 934B-936B C&EI 1502-04 7852 & 6002, 6003 11-12/48 C&EI 751B-753B


Model (& BLDR) Last MP No. First Road No. & Subsidiary Builder & Model Bldr Date Interim Road Numbers & Notes
RS11 (ALCO) 68-79 (2nd) 4601-12 83942-83503 1959 488-499 and 944-955
GP7 (EMD) 68-81 C&EI 203-16 8872-8897 1950 #79 re-#d 85 (2nd)
C&EI 82-87 C&EI 217-220 10245-10250 1950 --
C&EI 88-93 C&EI 222-229 13266-67, 13541-42, 13265-65 1951 -
GP9m (EMD) C&EI 86 C&EI 221 (2nd) 24753 1958 Built from GP7 221 (1st)
MV 108, 109 MV 152, 153 24680, 24681 1958 -
GP7 (EMD) T&P 106-107 MV 151, 154 17847, 17850 1953 -
T&P 110-117 1110-1117 11018-11024, 14020 1950-51 -
T&P 128--130 1128-1130 15826-15829 1950-51 -
131-156 4116-4141 111549-53, 43-48, 28-45 1950 -
158-162 IGN 4154-4158 14331-14335 1951 -
163-166 SLBM 4159-60, 64-65 14320-21, 18-19 1950-51 -
167-169 4166-4168 12571-12573 1951 -
GP9m (EMD) C&EI 229 (2nd) - 25460 1958 Built from GP7 221 (1st)
GP7 (EMD) 225 4227 EMD GP7 1952 -
274 IGN 4295 EMD GP7 1954 Wrecked before re-#ing
278 SLBN 4298 EMD GP7 1954 Wrecked before re-#ing
295-298 4142-45 EMD GP7 1950 -
315 (2nd) 4248 EMD GP7 1952 -
323 4321 EMD GP7 1954 Wrecked prior to re-#ing
GP9 (EMD) T&P 342-45 C&EI 235-38 -- 1957 -
355 4341 -- 1955 Wrecked prior to re-#ing
GP18 (EMD) 459 - -- 1962 Wrecked prior to re-#ing
463 - EMD GP18 1962 Wrecked prior to re-#ing
467 - GP18 (EMD) 1962 Wrecked prior to re-#ing
507 & 523 - EMD GP18 1960 Wrecked prior to re-#ing
540 & 547 - EMD GP18 1962 Wrecked prior to re-#ing
EMD GP9 552 1132 -- 1957 Wrecked prior to re-#ing
EMD GP7 600-604 4169-73 -- 1951 170-174 and 1600-04
606-608 4175-77 EMD GP7 1951 176-178 and 1606-1608
610-614 4179-83 EMD GP7 1951 180-184 and 1610-1614
615-618 4184-87 EMD GP7 1951 185-188 and 1615-1618 (2nd)
619-625 (3rd) 4189-94 EMD GP7 1951 185-188, 1619-1625 (2nd)
626 (3rd) 4278 EMD GP7 1953 257, 157 and 1626
627-28 (2nd) T&P 1118-19 EMD GP7 1951 118-19 and 1627 & 1628
631-32 (2nd) T&P 1122-23 EMD GP7 1951 T&P 122-23 and 1631-32
634 (2nd) CHT&T 230 EMD GP7 1951 C&EI 94, T&P 94, and 1634
637 (2nd) & 640 KO&G 800 & 809 EMD GP7 1952, 53 97 & 105
641, 642(2nd), & 643 T&P 1125-27 EMD GP7 1952 T&P 125-127 and 1641-1643
AS-16 (BLH) 935-40 T&P 4326-31 BLH AS-16 1954 -
RS-3 / RS-2 (ALCO) 958 TPMPT 1100 Alco RS-2 1949 T&P 23; assigned #1063 but never applied
975 4502 Alco RS-3 1955 -
977-980 4504-4507 Alco RS-3 1955 -
1061-1062 TPMPT 21-22 Alco RS-2 1948 956-957
1062-1063 4511 & 4520 Alco RS-3 1953 984 & 993; rebuilt to GP12
1064 MI 61 Alco RS-2 1949 960; rebuilt to GP12
MI 1065-67 MI 62, 73 & 64 Alco RS-3 1951,55,52 MI 961, 972, & 963; rebuilt to GP12
1068 4510 Alco RS-3 1955 983 & 965; rebuilt to GP12
1069 & 1070 MI 22 & 67 Alco RS-3 1955 & 53 965 & 966; rebuilt to GP12
1071 TPMPT 24 Alco RS-3 1955 959; rebuilt to GP12
MI 1072-73 MI 69-70 Alco RS-3 1954 MI 968-969; rebuilt to GP12
1074-75 (2ND) 4501 & 4503 Alco RS-3 1955 974 & 976; rebuilt to GP12
1076-1078 (2ND) 4508-09, & 4521 Alco RS-3 1955 981, 982 & 994; rebuilt to GP12
MI 1079 MI 71 Alco RS-3 1955 970; rebuilt to GP12
1080 (2nd) 4512 Alco RS-3 1955 985; rebuilt to GP12
1081 MI 72 Alco RS-3 1955 971; rebuilt to GP12
1082-1083 (2ND) 4508-09, & 4521 Alco RS-3 1955 998 & 988; rebuilt to GP12
1084-1088 4508-09, & 4521 Alco RS-3 1955 989 & 995-997; rebuilt to GP12
1089-1090 (2ND) 4526 & 4514 Alco RS-3 1955 999 & 997; rebuilt to GP12
MI 1091-1093 MI 68, 74, 63 Alco RS-3 1953, 55, 53 967, 972 & 963; rebuilt to GP12
1094 4513 Alco RS-3 1955 986; rebuilt to GP12
MI 1095 MI 65 Alco RS-3 1953 963; rebuilt to GP12
1096-1097 (2nd) 4517-18 Alco RS-3 1955 990-991; rebuilt to GP12
GP7 (EMD) 1629-30 T&P 1120-21 -- 1951 T&P 120-121
1633 T&P 1124 -- 1951, 52 T&P 124
1635-1636 C&EI 231-32 -- 1951 C&EI 95-96 and T&P 95-96
1638-1639 KO&G 801-02 -- 1952 numbered 98-99
1639 (2nd) 4259 -- 1953 325 (2nd) and 1776
1644 T&P 1129 -- 1952 T&P 129
1645-1649 4209-10 -- 1952 202-206 (2nd)
1650-1651 SLBM 4203-07 -- 1952 207-20 (2nd)
1652-1667 4211-26 -- 1952 211-226
1668-1675 4228-35 -- 1952 226-233
1676-1679 4237-40 -- 1952 234-237
1681 SLBM 4249 -- 1952 GP7u; 239
1682-1687 IGN 4197-202 -- 1952 196-201
1693-1694 MV 151, 154 -- 1953 -
T&P 1695-96 MV 152-53 EMD GP9m 1958 GP9m; Built from GP 152-153
1697-1713 4261-77 -- 1953 240-256
1714-1718 4279-83 -- 1953 258-262
1719-1721 SLBM 4284-86 -- 1953 263-265
1722-1724 IGN 4287-89 -- 1953 266-268
1725 IGN 4153 -- 1951 157 (2nd) and 257 (2nd)
1726-1730 IGN 4290-94 -- 1954 269-273
1731-1732 IGN 4296-97 -- 1954
1733 SLBM 4298 -- 1954 277
1750-1753 4147-49 & 4146 -- 1950 300, 301-302 (2nd) & 299 ; #170 was also numbered 332 (3rd)
1754-1756 4150-52 -- 1951 303-305 (2nd)
1757-1759 SLBM 4161-63 -- 1951 309-314 (2nd)
1760-1766 4241-47 -- 1952 306-308 (2nd); #4245 was also numbered 238 and 1680
GP7u (EMD) 1767-1770 SLBM 4250-53 -- 1952-53 316-319 (2nd)
1771-1772 IGN 4254-55 -- 1953 320-321 (2nd)
1773-75, 1777 4256-58, 4260 -- 1953 322-324 & 326 (2nd)
1778-1782 4316-20 -- 1954 327-331 (2nd)
1783 4316-20 -- 1954 333 (2nd)
1784-1785 SLBM 4323-24 -- 1954 334-335 (2nd)
1786 IGN 4325 -- 1954 GP7; 336 (2nd)
GP9 (EMD) 1787-1795 4332-40 -- 1955 345-354
1796-1825 4342-71 -- 1955 356-385
1826-1827 C&EI 233-34 -- 1956 C&EI 340-41 and T&P 340-41
1826-1827 C&EI 233-34 -- 1956 C&EI 340-41 and T&P 340-41
1837-1849 T&P 1131, 1133-44 -- 1957 T&P 386, 388-99 and MP 551, 553-64
GP18 (EMD) 1850-1854 T&P 1145-49 -- 1960 T&P 500-504
1855-1856 4801-02 -- 1960 T&P 505-506
1857-1871 4804-18 -- 1960 T&P 508-522
1872-1878 4820-26 -- 1960 T&P 524-530
1879-1881 4827-29 (1st) -- 1962 -
1882-1887 534-39 -- 1962 -
1888-1893 541-46 -- 1962 -
1894-1896 548-50 -- 1962 -
1900-1922 400-22 -- 1962 -
1923 424 -- 1962 -
1924-1944 426-46 -- 1962 -
1945-1956 447-58 -- 1962 -
1957-1959 460-62 -- 1962 -
1960-1962 463-66 -- 1962 -
1963-1975 468-80 -- 1962 477 wrecked prior to becoming 1972
1976 481 -- 1962 Bi-Centennial Unit
1977-1994 482-99 -- 1962-63 488 wrecked prior to becoming 1983
DRS 44-1500 (BLW) IGN 4112-4115 - -- 1949 -
AS-16 (BLW) IGN 4195-4196 - -- 1951 -
GP7 (EMD) 4208 - -- -- Wrecked prior to re-#ing
4238 - -- 1952 Wrecked prior to re-#ing


Model (& BLDR) Last MP No. First Road No. & Subsidiary Builder Nmbr Bldr Date Interim Road Numbers & Notes
GP30 (EMD) 590-92 C&EI 239-41 28345-28347 1963 -
GP40 (EMD) 600 (2nd) - 32232 1966 Ex-CRI&P 340
603-608 (2nd) - 32236-38, 40 1966 Ex-CRI&P 343-348 (no 347)
611-12, 615-16 (2nd) - 32243-44, 47-48 1966 Ex-CRI&P 351-356 (no 353-354)
GP35 (EMD) T&P 614 & MP 615 (1st) -- 28786-28787 1964 -
GP40 (EMD) 622, 626 (2nd) - 32590, 32594 1966 Ex-CRI&P 364, 368
628-629 (2nd) - 32597, 32598 1966 Ex-CRI&P 371-372
631-33, 635 (2nd) - 36286-88, 90 1970 Ex-CRI&P 4700-4702 & 4704
642, 645 (2nd) - 36392, 36394 1970 Ex-CRI&P 4706, 4708
642, 645 (2nd) - 36397, 36400 1970 Ex-CRI&P 4711, 4714
651; 661, 662, 665 (2nd) - 31662, 33058, 33061 1966; 67 Ex-WP 3501, 3512, 3513, 3514
EMD GP40-2 900-01 (2nd) - 786220-1 & 2 1979 Ex-WP 3545-46
904, 907 (2nd) - 786220-5 & 8 1979, 80 Ex-WP 3549, 3552
EMD GP15-1 1555-1574 - 757138-1 to 20 1976 -
1575-89 - 767037-1 to 15 1977 -
1600-14 (2nd) - 767038-1 to 25 1977 -
1615-44 (2nd) - 787137-1 to 30 1979 -
1645-1664 (2nd) - 807019-1 to 20 1981 -
1665-87 (2nd) - 817017-1 to 23 1982 -
1688-96 - 817017-24 to 32 1982 -
1697-1704 (2nd) - 817017-33 to 40 1982 -
1705-14 (2nd) - 817035-1 to 10 1982 -
1715-44 (2nd) - 827016-1 to 30 1982 GP15AC
EMD GP28 2000-2001 KO&G 700-01 29632-29633 1964 T&P 571-2, 850-851, and T&P 2000-01
EMD GP38 2002-2005 572-575 (2nd) 32495-32497, 32608 1966 852-858
2006, 2007 576, 577 (2nd) 32672, 33174 1966 856, 857
EMD GP38-2 2009-2053 858-902 7344-1 to 45 1972 -
2054-2063 903-912 72759-1 to 10 1972 -
2064-2073 913-922 72659-1 to 10 1972 -
2074-2085 923-934 71702-1 to 12 1973 #2081 was ex-930
2086-2110 935-959 (2nd) 71702-13 to 37 1973 #2086 was ex-935 (2nd)
2111-2120 - 73679-1 to 10 1974 -
2121-2132 - 74689-1 to 120 1974 -
2133-2137 - 766004-1 to 5 1976 Ex-CRI&P 4312-4351
2138-2147 - 776034-1 to 10 1976 --
2148-2157 - 777035-1 to 10 1976 --
2158-2197 - 787270-1 to 40 1980 -
2198-2237 - 796323-1 to 40 1980 -
2238-2249 - 756136-1 to 12 1976 Ex-CRI&P 4300-4311
2250-2252 (2nd) - 756136-13 to 15 1976 Ex-CRI&P 4312-4332
2253-2289 (2nd) - 757136-13 to 37 1976 Ex-CRI&P 4313-4351
GE U23B 2271 - 40359 1975 -
EMD GP38-2 2290-2319 (2nd) - 807047-1 to 30 1981 -
2320-2334 (2nd) - 807052-1 to 15 1981 -
EMD GP35 2500-2513 T&P 600-613 28772-28785 1965 See Notes; T&P 2500-13
2514-2522 616-624 28788-91, 28928-32 1964 See Notes
2523-2536 625-639 29805-29819 1965 See Notes
2537-2546 T&P 640-649 29829-29829 1965 See Notes; T&P 2537-46
2547-49 C&EI 242-44 28959-28960 1964 See Notes; T&P 650-2
2550-59 C&EI 245-54 29546-29555 1964 See Notes; T&P 653-662
2560-64 C&EI 255-59 29648-29652 1965 See Notes; T&P 663-67
2600-2614 See Notes -- 1964 See Notes
2617 See Notes -- 1964 See Notes
GE U30C 2965-2974 960-965, 966-69 36700-36704 1968 1-10 and 3301-3309
2975-2978 970-973 (T&P) 37559-37562 1969 T&P 11-14 and 3310-3313
2979-2983 974-978 (2nd) 38011-38015 1971 15-24(2nd) and 3314-3323(2nd)
2984-2988 979-983 (2nd) 38261-38265 1972 15-24(2nd) and 3314-3323(2nd)
2989-2993 984-988 39210-39214 1973 25-26(2nd), 27-29 and 3324-3328
2994-2999 3329-3334 (T&P) 39500-39505 1974 -
EMD SD40 3000 700 (2nd) 32968 1967 -
3001-3019 701-19 (2nd) 32969-32987 1967 -
3020-3033 700-33 (2nd) 33771-33784 1968 -
3034-3053 734-753 (2nd) 34506-34525 1969 -
3054-3069 754-769(2nd), 770-74(2nd) 35725-35740 1970 -
3070-3089 775-789 37543-37562 1971 -
SD40-2 (EMD) 3090-3094 790-794 (2nd) (T&P) 73713-1 to 5 1973 -
3095-3114 795-814 (3rd) 73613-1 to 20 1973 -
3115-3138 816-839 (2nd) (T&P) 73648-1 to 24 1974 -
3139-49 - 73748-1 to 11 1974 -
3150-3163 C&EI (same no.) 73748-12 to 25 1974 -
3164-3201 - 74690-1 to 38 1975 -
3202-3215 - 75616-1 to 14 1975 -
3216-3251 (2nd) -- 776099-1 to 36 1978 -
3252-3265 - 77100-1 to 14 1978 -
3266-91 (2nd) - 786178-1 to 26 1979 -
3292-3301 (2nd) - 786182-1 to 10 1979 -
3302-11 (2nd) - 796308-1 to 10 1979 -
3312-3321 (2nd) - 786269-1 to 10 1980 -
GP50 (EMD) 3500-3509 797322-1 to 10/font> -- 11/80 -
3510-35025 807023-1 to 16 -- 1/8 -
3526-35029 807058-1 to 4 -- 1/81 -
U23B (GE) 4500-06 (2nd) 668-74 38758-38764 1973 2250-56
4507-17 (2nd) 2257-67 39905-39915 1974 -
U23B (GE) 4518-22 (2nd) 2268-73 w/o 2271 40356-40361 1975 -
4523-27 (2nd) 2274-78 40920-40924 1976 -
4528-37 2279-88 41523-41532 1977 -
B23-7 (GE) 4600 2289 41772 1978 -
4601-4609 (2nd) 2290-2298 41773-41781 1978 -
4610-4612 (2nd) 2299-2301 42148-42150 1978 -
4613-4629 2299-2318 42151-42167 1978 -
4630-4649 2319-2338 42680-42699 1979 -
4650-4666 - 42944-53, 43021-27 1980 -
4667-4669 -- 43028-43030 1980 -
4670-84 - 43533-43547 1981 -
B30-7A (GE) 4800 - 43475 1981 -
4801-4829 (2nd) - 43735-43764 1981 -
4830-4854 - 43765-69, 86-99 43674-79 1982 -
SD50 (EMD) 5000-59 -- 847008-1 to 60 1984-85 -
SD40-2 (EMD) 6000-04 3216-3220 756145-1 to 5 1976 -
6005-19 3221-3235 760605-1 to 15 1976 -
6020-49 - 876181-1 to 30 1979 -
6050-53 - 786274-1 to 4 1979 -
6054-73 -- 796311-1 to 20 1980 -
C36-7.5 (GE) 9000-59 -- 45040-45099 1985 -


Model (& BLDR) Last MP No. First Road No. & Subsidiary Builder & Model Bldr Date Interim Road Numbers & Notes
44-Tonner 803 - Dav. 44-Tonner 1940 -
805-807 - Whit. 44-Tonner 1941 -
808-810 - Dav. 44-Tonner 1941-42 -
812 IGN 812 Dav. 44-Tonner 1941-42 Unit was also numbered SLBM 812 for a period
815 BLSW 815 GE 44-Tonner 1941-42 -
NW2 /SCm (EMD) T&P 1000-01, 1002-08 Same (T&P) EMD NW2 1946, 47 -
T&P 1002-19 - EMD NW2 1948-49 -
1020 FWB 2 EMD NW2 1946 -
1021 9104 EMC NW2 1939 -
1022 9106 EMD NW2 1941 -
1023 9000 EMC SCm 1937 Rebuilt w/567B engine
1027 KO&G 1001 EMD NW2 1949 -
1028 MI 51 EMD NW2 1949 -
C&EI 1029-33 C&EI 120-23 EMD NW2 1949 -
HH1000 (Alco) 1035 9102 Alco HH1000 1939 -
S2 (Alco) 1036-48 9107-16, 9128-30 Alco S2 1941-45 -
1049-50 9131-32 Alco S2 1949 -
1051-56 9156-59, 9168-69 Alco S2 1945-49 -
1057-60 TPMPT 11-14 Alco S2 1948 -
VO1000 /DS44-1000 (BLW) 1062-65 9103, 9117-19 BLW VO1000 1939, 45 -
1066-73 9120-27 BLW DS44-1000 1948-49 -
1074-82 9133-41 BLW DS44-1000 1950 -
1083 SLBM 9148 BLW DS44-1000 1950 -
- SLBM 9149 BLW DS44-1000 1950 -
1084-86 IGN 9150-52 BLW VO1000 1944 -
1087-91 SLBM 9153-55, 9160-61 BLW VO1000 1944, 46 -
1092-97 SLBM 9162-67 BLW DS44-1000 1949 -
1098-99 9198-99 (URyM) BLW VO1000 1945 -
SW1200 1100-25, 1126-33 - EMD SW1200 1963-64 -
1134-1151 - EMD SW1200 1966 -
1152-1166 - EMD SW1200 1966 -
1175-89, 1190-99 - EMD SW1200 1964, 64 -
SW7 1202-1207 (2nd) C&EI 126-31 EMD SW7 1950 -
1202-1203 T&P 1021-22 EMD SW7 1950 Units were also 1216-1217 for a period
1208-1209 CHT&T 132-33 EMD SW7 1950 -
1210-1214 C&EI 9142-46 EMD SW7 1950 -
SW9 1222-1231 T&P 1027-36 EMD SW9 1951 -
1232-1234 9170-72 EMD SW9 1951 -
1236-1248 9174-86 EMD SW9 1951 -
1249-1251 SLBM 9187-89 EMD SW9 1951 -
1252 SLBM 9190 EMD SW9 1951 -
SW1200 1253-1254 1200-01 EMD SW1200 1952 -
1255-1259 - EMD SW1200 1966 -
1260-1262 (2nd) - EMD SW1200 1954 55, 55 Ex-B&N 11, ex-RS&S 8, ex-PC&N 4
1263-1299 (2nd) - EMD SW1200 1964-66 -
S12 (BLH) 1260-1264 9200-04 BLH S12 1951 -
1266-1267 9206-07 BLH S12 1951 -
1271 9211 BLH S12 1951 -
1276 9216 BLH S12 1951 -
1278-1279 9218-19 BLH S12 1951 -
1283-1285 9223-25 BLH S12 1952 -
1288-1289 9228-29 BLH S12 1952 -
1294, 1296-1299 URyM 9234, 9236-39 BLH S12 1953 -
1365 9205 BLH S12 1951 Unit was also numbered 1265 for a period
1368-1369 9208-9209 BLH S12 1951 Units were also numbered 1268-1269 for a period
1370 (2nd) 9210 BLH S12 1951 Unit was also numbered 1270 for a period
1372 9212 BLH S12 1951 Unit was also numbered 1272 for a period
1373-1375 (2nd) 9213-9215 BLH S12 1951 Units were also numbered 1273-1275 for a period
1377 (2nd) 9217 BLH S12 1951 Unit was also numbered 1277 for a period
1380-1382 (2nd) 9220-9222 BLH S12 1952 Units were also numbered 1280-1282 for a period
1386-1387 (2nd) 9226 & SLBM 9227 BLH S12 1952 Units wre also numbered 1286-1287 for a period
1390-1392 (2nd) IGN 9230-32 BLH S12 1952 -
1393 & 1395 URyM 9233 & 9235 BLH S12 1953 Units were also numbered 1293 & 1295 for a period
MP15DC (EMD) 1360-1372 - EMD MP15DC 1982 Units 1365, 1368-9, 1383-4, and 1372 were second units to carry the number; 1370 was third unit to wear the number
1373-1375 (3rd) - EMD MP15DC 1982 -
1376-1392 (2nd/3rd) - EMD MP15DC 1982 Units 1376, 1378-9, 1383-4, and 1388-9 were second units to carry the number
SW8 (EMD) 1401 T&P 813 SW8 1952 Converted to a Slug (SL1) in 1979; unit was also numbered T&P 8003 and MP 8003 (2nd) for a period prior to conversion
1402 T&P 812 SW8 1952 Converted to a Slug (SL1) in 1979; unit was also numbered T&P 8001 and MP 8001 (2nd) for a period prior to conversion
1403 T&P 818 SW8 1952 Converted to a Slug (SL1) in 1979; unit was also numbered T&P 8007 and MP 8007 (2nd) for a period prior to conversion
1404 T&P 813 SW8 1952 Converted to a Slug (SL1) in 1980; interim numbers T&P 8002 and MP 8002 (2nd) prior to conversion
1406 T&P 811 SW8 1952 Converted to a Slug (SL1) in 1980; interim numbers T&P 8000 and MP 8000 prior to conversion
1409 T&P 815 SW8 1952 Converted to a Slug (SL1) in 1980; unit was also numbered T&P 8004 and MP 8004 (2nd) prior to conversion
1414 T&P 817 SW8 1952 Converted to a Slug (SL1) in 1981; unit was also numbered T&P 8006 and MP 8006 (2nd) prior to conversion
1416 T&P 816 SW8 1952 Converted to a Slug (SL1) in 1981; unit was also numbered T&P 8005 and MP 8005 (2nd) prior to conversion
SW7 (EMD) 1405 9146 SW7 1950 Converted to a Slug (SL1) in 1980; interim number 1214 prior to conversion
1407 9143 SW7 1950 Converted to a Slug (SL1) in 1980; interim number 1211 prior to conversion
1408 9145 SW7 1950 Converted to a Slug (SL1) in 1980; unit was also numbered 1213 prior to conversion
1411 9142 SW7 1950 Converted to a Slug (SL1) in 1980; unit was also numbered 1210 prior to conversion
1415 T&P 1023 SW7 1950 Converted to a Slug (SL1) in 1981; unit was also numbered 1218 for a period prior to conversion
1417 T&P 1020 SW7 1950 Converted to a Slug (SL1) in 1981; unit was also numbered 1215 prior to conversion
1418 9144 SW7 1950 Converted to a Slug (SL1) in 1980; unit was also numbered 1212 prior to conversion
SW9 (EMD) 1410 T&P 1033 SW9 1952 Converted to a Slug (SL1) in 1981; unit was also numbered T&P 1228 prior to conversion
1412 T&P 1026 SW9 1950 Converted to a Slug (SL1) in 1980; unit was also numbered T&P 1221 prior to conversion
1413 9173 SW9 1951 Converted to a Slug (SL1) in 1981; unit was also numbered 1235 prior to conversion
1419 T&P 1024 SW9 1950 Converted to a Slug (SL1) in 1981; unit was also numbered T&P 1219 prior to conversion
1420 SLBM 9191 EMD SW9 1951 Converted to a Slug (SL1) in 1981; unit was also numbered 1218 prior to conversion
1421 1254 EMD SW9 1951 Ex-B&N 10; Converted to a Slug (SL1) in 1981; unit was also numbered SLBM 1253 and 1217 prior to conversion
1422 T&P 1025 SW9 1950 Converted to a Slug (SL1) in 1982; unit was also numbered T&P 1220 prior to conversion
SW1500/MP15DC (EMD) 1518-1521 - EMD SW1500 1972 -
1530-44, 1545-54 - EMD MP15DC 1974, 75 -
Industrials (Plym) 1650 NOLC 3003 Ply 18-Tonner 1954 -
NOLC 2400 NOLC 3000 Ply ML6-2 1931 -
3001-3002 NOLC 3000 Ply ML6-2 1932 & 35 -
2401 NOLC 3004 Ply 40-Tonner 1961 -
44-Tonner 3500-3501 800-01 GE 44-Tonner 1941 -
3502 811 GE 44-Tonner 1942 -
3503 SLBM 814 GE 44-Tonner 1942 -
3504 802 Porter 44-Tonner 1941 -
3505 804 Whit. 44-Tonner 1940 -
NC2 / NW4 (EMD) 4100-4101 98-99 EMC NC2 1937 -
4102-4103 - EMC NW4 1938 EX-EMC Demonstrators 823-824
SW1 / SW (EMD) 6000-6001 98-99 (C&EI) EMD SW1 1942 -
6005-6006 URyM 5, 10 EMC SW 1938 SJB 5 & SJB 10
EMC SC 6007 SJB 2 EMC SC 1937 SJB 2, SJB 11, and SJB 6007
6009 9003 EMD SC 1937 -
SW1 (EMD) 6008 SJB 12 EMD SW1 1947 -
6010-6011 9004-05 EMD SW1 1939 -
6012-6013 9006 & 9011 EMD SW1 1940, 41 -
6014-6016 IGN 9200, 9202-03 EMD SW1 1940, 39 IGN 9016, IGN 9018-19
6017 IGN 9204 EMD SW1 1941 IGN 9020
6018 FWB 1 EMC SW1 1939-41 -
S1 (Alco) 6600-6601 9007-08 Alco S1 1940 -
6602-6603 TPMPT 3-4 Alco S1 1940, 41 -
6604-6606 NOLC 9013-15 Alco S1 1947 -
VO1000 / 660 6610-6611 URyM 9090-91 BLW VO1000 1942 -
6612 9009 BLW VO660 1940 -
6613 9012 BLW VO660 1941 -
SW8 8000-8007 811-18 (T&P) EMD SW8 1952 -
SC (EMC) 9001 - EMC SC 1937 -
VO660 9010 - BLW VO660 (BLW) -
SAUG 9022 SAUG 9206 BLW VO660 1941 -
EMC NW2 (EMC) 9105 - EMC NW2 1940 -
SW1 (EMD) IGN 9017 - EMC SW1 1937 -
9021 IGN 9205 EMD SW1 1941 -
VO1000 (BLW) IGN 9150-9152 - BLW VO1000 1944 --
SLBM 9153-9155 - BLW VO1000 1944 --

XXXXXXX* * * NOTES * * *

Railroad Notes, Abbreviations & Sources
Several "2500 Series" GP35s were later re-#d 2600-17
  • 2600 from 2008 (2007:1), nee 630
  • 2601 from 2501, nee T&P 601
  • 2602 from 2503, nee T&P 603
  • 2603-05 from 2505-07, nee T&P 605-07
  • 2606-07 from 2512-13, nee T&P 612-13
  • 2608 from 2516, nee MP 618
  • 2609 from 2519, nee MP 621
  • 2610 from 2521, nee MP 623
  • 2611 from 2523, nee MP 625
  • 2612 from 2530, nee MP 633
  • 2613 from 2541, nee T&P 644
  • 2614 from 2543, nee T&P 646
  • 2617 from 2500, nee T&P 600

"GP12" Program (built by MP shops) used Alco RS2 and RS3 carbodies, frames, and trucks with EMD 567 engines

  • 1061-1063 blt from 956-958
  • 1064-1065 blt from 960-961
  • 1066 blt from 1097 (1st)
  • 1067-1073 blt from 963--969
  • 1074-75 blt from 974 & 976
  • 1076-1080 blt from 981-985
  • 1081-1094 blt from 986-999
  • 1095-1096 blt from 970-971
  • 1097 blt from 972
  • 1097 (2nd) blt from 962
  • 1098 blt from 973
  • 1099 blt from 959


  • B&M - Boston & Maine
  • B&N - Bauxite & Northern
  • C&EI - Chicago & Eastern Illinois
  • Chicago Height Terminal & Transfer
  • CRI&P - Chicago Rock Island & Pacific
  • Denver & Rio rande Western
  • Fort Worth Belt
  • IGN - International Great Northern
  • KO&G - Kansas Oklahoma & Gulf
  • M-I - Missouri-Illinois
  • MV - Midland Valley
  • New Orleans & Lower Coast
  • Point Comfort & Northern
  • Rockdale Sandow & Southern
  • SJB - St. Joseph Belt
  • SLBM - St. Louis Brownsville & Mexico
  • T&P - Texas & Pacific
  • TPMPT - Texas Pacific Missouri Pacific Terminal
  • URyM - Union Railway of Memphis
  • WP - Western Pacific


  • Extra 2200 South (April 1968) roster by Larry Russell
  • Diesel Era magazine
  • Missouri Pacific Diesel Power, by Kevin EuDaly
  • Railroad & Railfan magazine
  • Trains magazine
  • Other contributors: Gerald Carson, Mac Owen, Ken Rattenne and RR "Dick" Wallin
  • Original upload: 19 October 2001

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