CitiCorp Railmark


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Formatted by: R. Craig
Revised: 14 July 2022 Photo @ Bond Colorado by: Chip

* * * CREX * * *

Model (& Bldr) Road No. Serial Nmbr Date Notes
ES44AC (GE) (1201-1215) 61406-61420 9-11/12 Sold to CN and re-#d 2700s
(1301-1350) 61944-61993 2013 Sold to CN
(1401-1435) 62723-62757 6-8/14 Sold to CN
(1501-1525) 63833-63857 12/15 Sold to CN; Tier 4 credit units (T4CUs)

* * * CRIX * * *

Model (& Bldr) CRIX No. Last UP # Blt As Serial Nmbr Date Sold to
SD40-2 (EMD) 2867 2867 SP 8304 73629-5 6/74 --
SD60 2106 & 2109-10 2106 & 2109-10 C&NW 8009, 8019 & 8005 867147-9, ?, & 19 8/86 NREX 5951, ??, & NS 6912
5946-5950 5946-5950 C&NW 8001, 03 & 06-08 867147-1, 3, 6 to 8 8/86 NS 6510, 6962, 6532, 6956 & 6914
5952-5954 5952-5954 C&NW 8015, 8016 & 8018 867147-15, 16 & 18 8/86 --, NS 6919 & 6948
5956, 5957 & 5959 5956, 5957 & 5959 C&NW 8022, 26 & 29 867147-22, 26 & 29 8 & 9/86 NS 6924, 7001 & --
5960 & 5961 5960 & 5961 C&NW 8030 & 8031 867147-30 & 31 9/86 NS 6938 & 6861
5971 & 5972 5971 & 5972 C&NW 8002 & 8004 867147-4 & 2 8/86 NS 6925 & 6863
5973 & 5974 5973 & 5974 C&NW 8005 & 8010 867147-5 & 10 8/86 --
5975-5979 5975-5979 C&NW 8011-14 & 8017 867147-11 to 14 & 17 8/86 NS 6928, 6926, 6514, 6920 & 6960
5980 5980 C&NW 8020 867147-20 8/86 NREX 5980
5982-5985 5982-5985 C&NW 8023-8025 & 8027 867147-22 to 25 & 27 8 & 9/86 NS 6941, 6955, 6909 & 6947
SD40T-2 (EMD) 8315 -- SP 8315 776069-9 3/78 --
SD40-2 (EMD) 9926 9926 MP 3237 776099-22 9/78 --

Locomotive data provided by Tom Berry and Michael Richmond.

Data Source: Alex Jiricek, RR Picture Archives; and via LocoNotes: Tom Boylan and Bill Miller

Original upload 4 September 2013

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