Eastern Alabama Railway


Somebody's Large Digital Image Here
Revised: 27 November 2024 Mike Muray photo at Jones Mill, Arkansas on 27 January 2022
AAR Mark: EARY Roster by: Bob Van Derveer
Model (& Date) Road No. Bldr Nmbr ** Notes
807 Road slug -- Ex-EARY 6404 < ex-GTW 6404 < nee DT&I 404 GP40 ( b/d 33914 on 6/68)
2010 GP38-2 (4/71) 37376 Ex-BAYL 512 < PHDX 5 < Phelps-Dodge 54
3520 GP38-2 (9/74) 73679-5 Ex-HLCX 1849 < nee MP 2116
3522 GP38-2 -- Ex-HLCX 1846
3566 GP38-2 (6/82) 818041-7 Ex-HLCX 3803 < nee NdeM 9907>
3807 GP38-2 (5/73) 72686-1 Ex-EARY 6408 < nee DT&I 408
3890 GP38 (370) 36059 Ex-NS 2811 < nee SOU 2811
Retirements & Dispositions
1001 GP10 (3/56) 22673 Ex-KRR 1001 < ENR 1007 < CR 7553-7396 < PC 7396 < NYC 7396 < nee NYC 6006
1002 GP10 (10/56) 22676 R/B 1978; ex-KRR 1002 < CR 7552 < CR 7409 < PC 7409 < NYC 7409 < nee NYC 6009
1326 GP7U (10/52) 17448 R/B 12/81; ex-NCVA 1326 < TCM 1326 < ATSF 1326 < nee 2794
1510 GP7 (9/51) 14573 R/B 12/81; ex-CVR 1510 < NCTR 1510 < < PLE 1533 < nee PLE 5676
1511 GP7 (4/53) 17979 R/B 12/81; ex-NTR 1500 < KYLE 1500 < NCTR 1500 < CVR 1500 < MGA 1500 < PLE 1504 < nee PLE 5733
1550-1551 GP7 (6/53) GMDD - A417, A414 R/B 5,6/76; ex-CNW 4351, 4358 < PNCX 121, 118 < Bellquip 121, 118 < nee QNSL 121 & 116
1756-1757 GP9E (4,5/56) 21382, 21410 R/B 1/73 & 10/74; ex-KYLE 1756-57 < SP 3334, 3406 < SP 3522, 3548 < nee SP 5689 & 5717
2014 GP38-2 (5/73) 72686-1 To Ohio Central 2014; ex-ASAB 508
2176 GP30m (10/63) 28516 Ex-AGR 2176 < ALAB 2176 < < CSXT 4230 < nee CO 3040
2182, 2184 GP30m (11, 12/62) 27646, 27674 Ex-AGR 2181, 2184 < ALAB 2182, 2184 < KYLE 2182, 2184 < CSXT 4245, 4262 < nee BO 6939 & 6957
3891 GP38 (2/70) 36041 Ex-CPDR 3891 < SCT 739 < NS 2793 < nee SOU 2793
4048 GP40 (3/69) 34845 R/B 6/69; ex-NECR 4048 < BN 3080 < GATX 3722 < nee BO 3722
4049 GP40 (1/71) 36731 Ex-NECR 4049< NECR 6526 < NREX 6526 < CSXT 6526 < nee BO 3750
6404 GP40 (6/68) 33914 Re-#d EARY 807; ex-GTW 6404
6408 GP40-2 (10/72) 7359-3 Re-#d 6408; ex-GTW 6408 < nee DT&I 408

All locomotives are EMD built, unless otherwise noted.

Additional information/updates by: Martin Baumann, Randy Keller, Michael Richmond and Nathan Rohdenburg; along with RR Pictures Archives.net

Original upload: 2 December 2012

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