Morrison-Knudsen (Construction)

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Reporting Mark: xxxxx Photo by: --
New: xxxxx 20xxx Compiled by: Gareth McDonald
Model (& Bldr) Road No. Serial No. Date Notes
44-Ton (GE) 44 15754 2/43 To US DoT 002
4-wheel (Brkv) 79 -- -- To Tulia Grain Term
S1 (Alco) 103 -- X/45 Ex-Northern Pacific 603
RS1 (Alco) 1066 73762 7/45 To Spokane Portland & Seattle 51
SW1 (EMD) 243 31686 -- To US Steel-Fairless 243
25-Ton (GE) -- 31686, 31687 -- To US Steel-Fairless 243
25-Ton (Ply) -- 7717, 7118, 7119 8/75 36" gauge
20-Ton (Vul) -- 7717, 7118, 7119 7/41 Ex-USA Quartermaster Corps 2041


  • Alco - American Locomotive
  • Brkv - Brookville Locomotive
  • GE - General Electric
  • Ply - Plymouth Locomotive
  • Vul- Vulcan Locomotive

Reference sources:

  • GE Production list / TDS
  • The Short Line Newsletter, Mark Nilges
  • Alco rosters @ TDS

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