MVPX (Motive Power Resource)

Diesel Locomotives

Somebody's Large Digital Image Here
Revised: 24 November 2024 Mike Murray photo at
Reporting Mark: MVPX Formatted by: R. Craig
Road No. Bldr/Model Bldr No. Bldr Date Notes
903 EMD SW900 20891 2/56 Ex-Sand Springs 100
905 EMD SW900 20892 2/56 Ex-Sand Springs 101
1196 EMD SW900E 19643 6/54 Ex-ADM 1196 < Eveready Battery Co. 1196 < SP 1196 < SP 1174 < nee-SP SW900 4628
1251 EMD SW9 17224 12/52 Ex-1251 < LTEX 1251 < EJE 456 < BAR 38 < nee-PCY 4
1460 EMD SW14 10035 4/50 Ex-MVRX 1460 < ICG SW14 1460 < IC SW7R 1203 < nee IC SW7 9303
6005 EMD SD40-2 -- -- Ex-??

* * * Dispositions * * *
15 EMD SW1200 20072 11/54 Re-#d 1201; ex-ADM 15 < IMRL 15 < Milw 711 < Milw 642 < nee Milw 2039
23 GP40H-2 -- -- Ex-VRE
106 EMD MP15C 786162-1 12/78 Ex-Lake Erie Franklin & Clarion 27
107 EMD MP15C -- -- --
109 EMD SW14 11666 8/50 To Aluminum Dynamics; ex-ADMX 109 < CIC 109 < IC 1441 < ICG 1441 [10/80] < ICG 418 < IC 418 < nee-IC SW7 9418
456 EMD SW1000 -- -- --
500 EMD GP9R 25111 3/59 Ex-CalTran 500 < SP 3674 < nee SP GP9 5811
907 EMD SW900 23782 7/57 Ex-Sand Springs 102
973 EMD GP7 -- -- Ex-ISRY 973
1001 EMD SW1000 -- -- --
1145 EMD SW1200 31219 4/66 Plans call for rebldg into SW1200-3; ex-BRG 1145 < SFL 1145 < nee MP 1145
1161 EMD SW1000 29799 4/65 Ex-COER 1161 < nee MP 1161
1200 ** EMD SW1200 20074 11/54 ** Confirmation needed; ex-ICE 16 < IMRL 16 < Milw 713 < Milw 644 < nee Milw 2039
1201 EMD SW1200 20072 11/54 To Aluminum Dynamics; ex-MVP 15 < ADM 15 < IMRL 15 < Milw 711 < Milw 642 < nee Milw 2039
1202 EMD SW14 14381 7/51 Ex-IC SW9 9458
1206 EMD SW1200 14394 6/51 Ex-Central Illinois 1206 < Belt Railway of Chicago SW9 520
1253 EMD SW1200 18087 5/53 Ex-TANX 1253 < Amtrak 554:2 < ATSF 1221/1421 < ATSF SW9 2421
1296 EMD SW1500 -- -- Ex-??
1460 EMD SW14 10035 4/50 Ex-MVRX 1460 < ICG SW14 1460 < IC SW7R 1203 < nee IC SW7 9303
1440 EMD SW14 14353 6/51 Sold to Burlington Jct; ex-IC BRG 1440
1472 EMD SW14 14381 7/51 Ex-OSSX 1472 < IC SW9 9458
1507 GMDD GP7u A504 1953 Build in Canada; ex-CP GP7u 1507 < nee CP GP7 8418
1540 GMDD GP9u A692 1955 Build in Canada; ex-CP GP9 8494
2167 EMD GP7u 17011 10/52 Ex-NREX 2167 < NEKM 2167 < M&NA 2167 < G&U GP7U 2167 < G&U 1800 < nee ATSF GP7 2784
2210 EMD GP7u 15798 1/52 Ex-NREX 2210 < NEKM 2210 < M&NA 2210 < G&U GP7U 2210 < G&U 1801 < nee ATSF GP7 2698
3104 GMDD SD40-2 A2164 12/66 Built in Canada; ex CP 5531
3125 EMD SD40M-2 32022 9/66 Ex-IN/CEFX 3125 < nee SP SD45 8832
3126 EMD SD40M-2 34374 2/69 Ex-CEFX 3126 < SP 7480 SD45R < nee SP SD45 9006
3145 GMDD SD40-2 A2164 12/66 Built in Canada; ex DMVW 3145 < KCS 3145 < KCS SD40-3 6611 < nee CN SD40 5164
3535 EMD SW1200 21101 4/56 Ex-BNSF 3535 < BN 193 < nee NP134
3811 EMD GP38-2 35934 12/69 Ex-KRR 3811 < nee MKT 300
3819 EMD SD40-2 776133-4 10/78 Ex-Southwestern < UP 3819 < nee MKT 610
4026 EMD GP40 31879 4/66 Ex-Georgia Southwestern 1460 < GSWR 1339 < NS 1339 < nee N&W 1339
4029 EMD GP40 31892 4/66 Ex-Georgia Southwestern 4029 < GSWR 1352 < NS 1352 < nee N&W 1352
4135-4137 EMD GP40FH-2 33234, 35 & 42 8/67 Ex-New Jersey Transit (same #s); built from ex-NYC GP40s 3070, 3071 & 3078
4138 EMD GP40FH-2 33228 1/69 Ex-New Jersey Transit (same #); built from ex-CRIP GP40 384
4141 & 4142 EMD GP40FH-2 36401, 33539 4/70, 1/68 Ex-New Jersey Transit (same #); built from ex-CRIP 361 & 354
4143 & 4144 EMD GP40FH-2 32293, 32246 9/66 Ex-New Jersey Transit (same #); built from ex-CRIP 4715 & Milw 205
(4444) EMD GP9Rm 21451 5/56 Sold to Midwest Loco in 2012; ex-TRBRX/GTW 4444 < nee GTW GP9 1770
4601 EMD GP9Rm 22861 1/57 Ex-BLR 4601 < GTW 4601 < nee GTW4913
7424 EMD SD45R 32777 2/67 Ex-SP SD45R 7424 < nee SP SD45 8863
8524 GE B39-8E 45433 11/87 Ex-SNC 8524 < nee LMX 8524
8527 GE B39-8E 45436 11/87 Ex-SLRG 8527 < nee LMX 8527
8539 & 8560 GE B39-8E 45448, 45469 1, 2/88 Ex-LMX 8539 & 8560
8803 EMD SD40T-2 786265-30 5/80 Ex-UP 8803 < nee SP 8259
9258 EMD SD45T-2 72601-50 6/72 Ex-SP 9258
9370 EMD SW1200 -- -- --
9373 EMD SD45T-2 74693-6 3/75 Ex-SP 9373 < nee SSW 9373
Reference Sources:
  • Motive Power Resources website
  • RRpicture
Additional information provided by: Randy Keller, Mike Murray, Larry Smoak, and Ed Weisensel

Original upload: 28 September 2019

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