Youngstown Sheet & Tube


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New: 26 August 2024

Photo by: Larry White
Format: R. Craig
Model (& Bldr) Road No. Serial No. Date Notes
Campbell Works
Whit 25-Ton 160 61194 7/48 Acquired new
161 61195 7/48 Acquired new
251 61106 4/48 Acquired new
252 61107 4/48 Acquired new
Ply 23-Ton 320 4015 3/40 scrapped
BLH 40-Ton 359 76135 1/56 scrapped
GE 44-Ton 440 27820 8/45 --
Atlas 65-Ton 465 27820 8/45 To Marquette Cement
Whit 50-Ton 501 & 502 60757, 60758 4/48 Acquired new
503-505 61103-61105 3-4/50 Acquired new 36-inch gauge
Alco S1 661-663 75226-75228 3/47 To Columbia Iron & Metal 661-663
664 & 665 75229, 752330 3/47 Scrapped
GE 80-Ton 801 & 802 31215, 31216 1/53 Acquired new 36-inch gauge
803-805 32597-32599 5-6/56 Acquired new 36-inch gauge
Whit 65-Ton 656 & 657 61126, 61099 10/50, 11/49 36-inch gauge; to Wheeling steel 656 & 657
BLH S-8 882 754962/50, 11/49 scrapped
Alco S2 1001 & 1002 75240, 75241 6/47 #1002 to Columbia Iron & Metal
BLW VO-1000 1003 63268 5/42 Ex-Chicago Short Line 100; scrapped
Alco S2 1004 & 1005 74467, 74802 5, 10/46 To Mongahela Connecting 151 & 154
1006 70250 4/43 Ex-Baltimore & Ohio 9021 / 470
Alco S2m 1501 -- R/B 1976 To Mahoning Valley 1501 > Jones & Laughlin 1501 > LTV 1501
1502 -- R/B 1976 To Mahoning Valley 1502
1503 -- R/B 1976 --
1504 -- R/B 1976 To Mahoning Valley 1504
East Chicago Works
GE 35-Ton 162 & 163 33478, 33479 1/59 To Jones & Laughlin 162 & 163
164 33721 12/59 To Jones & Laughlin 164
165 & 166 35783, 35794 6/66 To Jones & Laughlin 165 & 166
GE 80-Ton 432 15001 1/42 To Whistler
BLW VO-660 600 & 601 71759, 71760 2, 3/45 Acquired new
602-605 71512-71515 4-5/45 Acquired new
606 & 607 71576, 71577 8, 9/45 Acquired new
BLW VO-750 608-610 74405-74407 8/49 Acquired new
BLW DS44-750 700 73657 2/51 Acquired new
701 73658 2/51 Acquired new; tp Pickens 5
702 73659 2/51 Acquired new; to Jones & Laughlin slug 54
BLH S-8 703 75430 11/51 Acquired new; to Jones & Laughlin slug 55
800 & 801 75494, 75495 3/52 Acquired new
802 & 803 75496, 75497 2/52 Acquired new; # 802 to Campbell Works 802 and 803 to ; to Jones & Laughlin
804 75163 2/53 Acquired new; to Jones & Laughlin slug 52
805 75332 2/53 Acquired new
EMD SW900 900 & 901 22879, 22889 9/56 Acquired new; to Jones & Laughlin 905 & 1021
902 30758 10/65 Acquired new; to Jones & Laughlin 905 & 1022
903 & 904 30992, 30993 10/65 Acquired new; to Jones & Laughlin 903 & 1023
905 22881 ?? 9/56 Acquired new
EMD SW1000 905 (2nd) 33121 5/67 Acquired new; to Jones & Laughlin 1004
906 & 907 33212-33133 7/68 Acquired new; to Jones & Laughlin 1005 & 1006
908-909 34027-34028 6/68 Acquired new; to Jones & Laughlin 1007 & 1008
910 34129 8/68 Acquired new; to Jones & Laughlin 1009
911 34524 5/69 Acquired new; to Jones & Laughlin 1010
912-914 35041-35043 5/69 Acquired new; to Jones & Laughlin 1011-1013
EMD NW2 915 1313 12/47 Ex-D&RGW 100; to EC&H 62
915 (2nd) 5255 1/41 Ex-Pittsburg & Lake Erie 8711; ; to Jones & Laughlin 1014
916 & 917 -- -- Ex-??
918 -- -- Ex-??
EMD SW9 919 & 920 17995, 17991 4/53 Ex-Chicago Short Line 26 & 27; to Jones & Laughlin 1201 & 1202
BLW DS44-1000 1001 & 1002 74074, 74077 3/49 EX-ATSF 2280 & 2283; to Jones & Laughlin SLUG 57 & 1002
1003 74081 3/49 EX-ATSF 2287; to Jones & Laughlin 1003
EMD NW2 1014 & 1020 -- 12/47 --
EMD SW9 1201 & 1202 -- 4/43 --
Alco S2 -- 74467 5/46 --
Ply 25-Ton 2004 4157 X/41 --
  • Alco - American Locomotive Company
  • Dav - Davenport Locomotive
  • GE - General Electric
  • EMD - Electro-Motive Division
  • Plym - Plymouth Locomotive
  • Whit - Whitcomb Locomotive
Reference sources:
  • X2200 South Newsletter (various issues)
  • The Short Line Newsletter (various issues)
  • Flickr.com
  • Train Orders.com
  • LocoNotes.com

    Thanks to the following contributors (direct and indirect): Ken Ardinger, Bob Graham, Randy Keller, Gareth McDonald, Bruce Mercer, Mark Nilges and Jay Reed

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