
Mike Danneman photo at Toluca, Illinois on 19 April 1986

The question has been raised, " How is 'Celebrity' being defined on the website?" For starters, a celebrity is most often a one-of-a-kind painted locomotive that is seen frequently in the hobby press or on popular railroad photography web sites, but seldom is seen when you are trackside.

The broad flanks of diesel locomotives have been used to draw attention for more than seven decades. The intent typically is to introduce new services or technologies, develop a public awareness, build community support, and to pay tribute to the past.

One of the earliest examples is the Freedom Train of 1947, which criss-crossed the United States with historic documents and artifacts, in an effort to build national pride and create a stronger interest in the history of the country. The most recent example perhaps is Canadian National's "heritage" program. It features custom-painted locomotives that wear the names and colors of the 20,000-mile railroad's predecessors.

New: 1 January 2021

Celebrity Photos

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Heritage / Tribute Programs

Michael Harding photo

Military Salute

James Pearson photo

Patriotic Pride

Craig Walker photo

First Responders & Community Service

Paul Rome photo

Commercial Billboards

GE's More Power to America: courtesey of American Rails.com

Locomotive Builder Demonstrators

R. Craig photo

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